There’s always been something to bring out the best in John Derek. As a boy, it was sports. As a man, his family. Now a new love is challenging Dare Derek...
It is hard to imagine that Kim Novak was ever troubled by that terror of the teens, unpopularity. Yet she was. Until she learned how easy it is to be the girl who’s nice to know....
Never seen Liz Tay Lor looking lovelier than at the fancy luncheon thrown at the studio by director George Stevens to launch the super-duper new picture, “Giant.” ,Liz was a summer dream in snow-white dimity demurely fashioned. All the cast, including Rock Hudson (done up...
I implore Judy Garland to play Julie Jordan in the movie version of “Carousel.” It could win the Oscar for her . . . The line forms on the right for those who say they discovered Fess (Davy Crockett) Parker . . . I’m not...
I HAVE SEEN Glenn Ford’s magnificent portrayal, in “Blackboard Jungle,” of the school teacher plagued by vocational- school hoodlums and felt there must be a carry-over into Glenn’s personal life—that it couldn’t all be play-acting.
Glenn Ford is a very modest person. It was like pulling...