The poison gas of gossip has caused more heartache, ruined more reputations, jeopardized more careers than anything else in Hollywood. This is how some of those “true” stories start...
THIS WAS THE MONTH that Sinatra went social in a large way! And when Frankie-boy busts out with the entertaining, he doesn’t spare the money nor the charm! First off, he chartered a private plane and flew a passel of pals up to the Desert...
I saw Rock, Tab and Race standing together chatting at Warners . . . Bet Fess Parker got a shock when he read about the real Davy Crockett . . . Marlon Brando and Sam Goldwyn have genuine. affection for each other . . ....
She adores French fried onions and all kinds of flowers . . . can’t abide birds in cages or arithmetic. She’s always chewing gum and always full of zip. Her name is Doris Day...
There’s a saying that every dog has his day. In Hollywood, this happens to hold true—every day. Just ask around among the members of filmland’s canine colony.
One of the most distinguished of the group is Shoo Shoo, to whom Donna Reed belongs. According to the...