Before going into the packets, these chicken breasts are browned to boost their flavor and improve their appearance. Celery takes center stage here, adding its refreshing herbal flavor. Creamy polenta or mashed potatoes would be a perfect accompaniment....
In this Asian-inspired dish, tender shrimp and crisp bok choy are infused with the complex flavors of ingredients like hoisin sauce and hot chili oil (available in the supermarkets international foods section). Serve with soba noodles or steamed rice....
Surely the most extraordinary success story in the history of the automobile, the Beetle began life as a pet project of Adolf Hitler, who commissioned engineer Ferdinand Porsche to design a low-cost vehicle for the German people. Production eventually began post-World War II, under the...
After World War II there was a new automotive revolution. Most soldiers posted overseas had experienced long-distance travel for the first time. On their return home they wanted to be mobile and take their families much farther afield than their fathers had been able to....