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You Read It First In Vintage Paparazzi

Inside Hollywood: Diet and working conditions in Carmargo, Mexico, where Robert Wagner made “White Feather,” took a toll of fifteen pounds he could ill-afford to lose. It threw 20th into such a tizzy, they flew vitamins to Bob by special plane. . . . It’s all very hush-hush, but Janet Leigh and Tony Curtis now have a writer on their personal pay roll. He’s developing their original idea for a dramatic screenplay with a musical background. The palpitating pair plan to produce it independently and star in it, too. About that perennial stork rumor that’s rampant again: “When it’s true,” declare the innocent victims, “everyone will know it—because we’ll shout it to the world!”

Merely Money: Stage star Tommy Ewell, playing his original role opposite Marilyn Monroe in the movie version of “Seven Year Itch,” is so captivated he says he sees “blond spots in front of my eyes!” And speaking of talented Tommy, he tells a highly amusing story about the time he came out to make a movie with Bing Crosby, who of course couldn’t be more at ease in front of a camera. New to pictures, poor trembling Tommy turned to Bing pleadingly: “You’re always SO relaxed. Please tell me HOW you do it.” The groaner grinned, then he pulled out a roll of bills big enough to choke a horse. Patting it gently, he cracked: “We-ell, this sort of helps!”

Boys Town: Returning home from the studio, William Holden discovered something new had been added to his back yard—an odd-looking hut made of old wood and tar paper. From experience he automatically called his sons, Scott and West, who brought in the neighborhood kids. It was their new clubhouse, they explained, as Bill noticed each member was wearing a crystal prism dangling from his neck. “You’ve done a fine job,” he encouraged them, “but where did you get those crystal prisms?” Came the nonchalant answer: “Oh, from that old thing in the basement.” And this was how Bill discovered an expensive crystal chandelier had been completely dismantled! A special meeting was called hastily and club members were gently “urged” to turn in their “buttons!”

Wedding Belles: Lovely Jeff Donnell finally said “I do” to Aldo Ray. Did you know they met when the then-unknown Aldo rented a room from Jeff who was married to Bill Anderson?

Heady Stuff: Doris Day’s new Dutch bob is such a success other actresses are copying the style. Do-Do’s getting a great kick out of it because she copied it, too—from a photograph of herself taken in Cincinnati when she was five! . . . And when the Michael Wildings returned from England recently, Liz Taylor ordered false bangs from her studio make-up department. “I saw too many Italian haircuts making women look alike,” observes the beautiful one. She’ll wear false bangs until her hair grows out again.

Wonderful Town: When Ann Blyth tried out her night-club act at Tops in San Diego, she was a great success. They went wild over her the second time at the State Fair in Sacramento. So what happened? So Ann burst into tears! “I just can’t go to Las Vegas for three weeks without my son,” she sobbed, “either I cancel or take him along.” Timmy’s now a traveling man!

Did You Know: That the Alan Ladds’ beautiful daughter, Carol Lee, was trying to decide on a vocation when she met handsome Richard Anderson? Her decision to make a career of marriage solved the situation and the Ladds couldn’t be happier over her choice. . . . That M-G-M has a portable platform built especially for Stewart Granger’s leading ladies who can’t reach the lips of the six-feet-four-inch actor during love scenes! . . . That Pier Angeli now has her own checkbook for the first time in her life, but she had to ask her hairdresser how to fill ’em out! . . . That Gary Cooper is so much heavier and grayer, he even startles friends who haven’t seen him for some time? . . . That even if Debbie Reynolds announces her engagement to Eddie Fisher, she confides to close friends that she’s actually “scared of marriage” and would much rather stay single for a year or two?

Hollywood Salutes: Fred Astaire for his deep and admirable devotion to his late wife. The famous dancer occupied an adjoining room in the hospital during her lingering illness and rushed from the studio to her bedside every lunch hour until the end came.

Studio Snicker: Wearing his full Napoleon getup for “Desiree,” Marlon Brando passed Sheree North on the lot without speaking to her. “I guess Brando didn’t recognize me with his new nose,” she cracked!

Many Happy Returns: To Academy Award-winning Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer who were married in Switzerland after a romance that began in New York last winter with their stage hit “Ondine.” . . . Non-professional friends of the Dick Powells threw them a gay and festive party honoring their ninth wedding anniversary. When June Allyson got her first glimpse of the fifteen violinists strolling through the gardens, she quipped: “Who did you hire to stage all this—Cecil B. DeMille?” . . . And John Ericson, M-G-M’s white hope who has nothing but talent, celebrated his first wedding anniversary last September twelfth. The occasion called for paper gifts—so the inventive guy gave his adored Milly a paper bag filled with paper money! She liked it—she liked it!