A marriage by Mansfield is like nothing ever dreamed of by any bride, anytime, anywhere. But who cares, so long as Jayne and Mickey Hargitay have made it their own private heaven?...
Late the other evening my husband came home from work, his face haggard, his eyes looking like two poached eggs. He was so tired and depressed that he stumbled into the house and went directly to the bedroom, without saying a word, and closed the...
From London comes the first story about the exciting young actress, Heather Sears. And what a surprise! She’s a minx, she’s a career girl, she’s a tomboy, she’s a housewife—she’s so many things to so many people that only one thing’s certain: She’s the nicest...
I believe Natalie Wood is good for Bob Wagner and vice versa . . . More actors than actresses try to hide the fact that they wear glasses . . . Why do I usually play a Frank Sinatra album after looking at one of...
May and December Couples: When fifty-three-year- old Bing Crosby married twenty-four-year-old Kathy Grant, the difference in their ages raised a lot of eyebrow-lifting in the world’s press. And yet, based on the past record of other couples who have lived happily ever after, in spite of...