“Very early in my motion picture career, I once asked for time out to consider a director’s request that I kiss my leading lady. I simply wanted to talk it over with my wife Shirley.”...
The doctor warned her—she would be in severe pain lots of the time. And still Liz was firm. There’d be no operation now, but maybe there was another way to help her....
Debbie suffered and survived. No woman ever had more right to resent the return of an ex-husband. But today she is happy. She no longer thinks of the past. ...
Now Marlon has hauled off and thrown a five-million-dollar punch at the Saturday Evening Post—suing the magazine for a story he claims maligns his professional integrity....
In Memphis, the fans were tense. It was the big game of the touch football season; the coaches were done with their pre-game pep talks, the players were ready, the fans were waiting...