That’s Hollywood For You
I BELIEVE THAT Mario Lanza is misunderstood, even by himself . . . Saw Liz Taylor with gray hair after she played a scene for “Giant.” If this is a preview of things to come, I’m putting in my bid for Liz Taylor as on old, gray-haired lady . . . Joan Crawford goes on kicks. At present she is on a “Summertime” kick, having seen Katharine Hepburn five times. “I’ll see it many more times,” said Joan. “Katie Hepburn—what a face!—what a performance!” . . . I have to agree with Joan. As this typewriter goes to post, it’s Katie Hepburn and Jimmy Cagney winners in the Oscar Derby. for the best performances by actress and actor . . . The best comment I heard on Oscars was made by Marlon Brando during the last struggle. Said Brando: “Everyone talks like you’ll go to jail if you don’t win one.” . . . Whatever became of Elaine Stewart? . . . I turn on the TV set the minute I hear Eva Marie Saint is going to be on.

I wonder how Rodgers and Hammerstein went for the miscasting of Gloria Grahame (Ado Annie) and Eddie Albert (the peddler) in “Oklahoma!” Todd-AO . . . Frank Sinatra is a rooter who goes all the way for you if he goes for you . Movie starlets who have done it many times tell me that a sexy pose is uncomfortable. Look at the next batch of sexy photographs and see what I mean. . . Jane Russell’s comment on this: “Every time I’m photographed, I feel as though the camera is looking clear down my neck—and it usually is.”

I’m waiting for a movie layout of Mel Ferrer which doesn’t have a picture of Audrey Hepburn . . . Always remember that it takes more than wearing a pair of white gloves to make a lady! . . . I thought Jeanne Crain was sexier when she wasn’t deliberately trying to be . . . Jean Simmons has it, as far as I’m concerned, without even trying . . . Judy Holliday breaks me up when I’m having just a normal conversation with her. I think she’s the most, off-screen as well as on-screen . . . I’m weary of reading those catch titles: “What Hollywood Has Done to Marilyn Monroe!” There’s also something to be said for: “What Hollywood Has Done for Marilyn Monroe!” and I believe MM is fair enough to agree . . . I can’t remember William Holden giving a bad performance in a movie.

Cyd Charisse could be the biggest sex bundle in the business . . . Liberace smiles a lot, but I wonder how much genuine, mirth is connected with it . . . Janet Leigh! told me: “Since I became a blond I had to make less conversation.” . . . While here making a movie, English actress Joan Greenwood was as entertaining when a camera wasn’t looking. Among many things, Joan said: “I think you must be alone part of every day with your clothes off. No radio, no TV, just silence. Gives your body a chance to rest.”
I wonder if Rock Hudson is sorry now that he allowed agent Henry Willson to tag him with such a label . . . At a recent party, Zsa Zsa Gabor told me: “I’ve been married almost all of my life . . . anyway, ever since I was sixteen. Of course, it was to three different men. I feel more at home when I’m married.” That’s Hollywood for you.