Demure, you say! She’s about as demure as a harem dancer. Sweet, you say! She’s sweet and tempting. Even with a nursery full of kids—Jeanne Crain’s no Mother Goose....
At seven Evelyn Rudie played Eloise on television. It made her a star. But at nine Evelyn stamped her foot, said, “I’m a has-been and I won’t stand for it,” broke into her piggie bank and flew off to see Mamie Eisenhower. Cute? Not the...
Judy Garland’s homecoming is the Hollywood party of the year . . . Shelley and Vittorio finally make it . . . Will we be calling her Lana Lamas soon? . . . I’ll never marry again, says King Gable...
One of Hollywood’s most famous directors of winsome women reveals a little-known fact: those pretty-eyed babies are pretty wise babes—or they wouldn’t be where they are!...
What makes some women appealing and exciting to men? It’s a variety of things, says this brave star—and he isn’t just talking about beauty and sex appeal!...