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You Read It First In Vintage Paparazzi

True—or Untrue: That Terry Moore is madly in love with British actor Lawrence Harvey and no longer labors under the delusion that she will marry a famous studio executive . . . That Gene Nelson’s growing dissatisfaction over recent roles may lead him to ask for his studio release . . . That a bountiful bonus has been offered Jane Powell if she doesn’t date the stork again for the next three years . . . That Farley Granger will sit out the last year of his Goldwyn contract and then launch a brand new carefully-planned career campaign . . . That regardless of where Mona Freeman dines out for dinner, she receives several phone calls from “that certain party” who always knows where to reach her . . . That Rock Hudson and Piper Laurie have become truly enamored of each other while shooting “The Golden Blade” and are turning their screen romancing into the real thing . . . That Lana Turner is planning to retire from the screen, that she is seriously ill, that she is going to marry Lex Barker, or that she plans to live permanently in Europe. She did black out a couple of times on the “Latin Lovers” set. Strenuous dance routines plus the tension of waiting for Bob Topping to sign those final divorce papers, plus the prevalent virus epidemic were all a bit too much for the beautiful blonde. But that doesn’t mean she’s walking out on her career.


Behind the Make-up: Many men have been attracted to Ava Gardner for obvious reasons, but the natives in Africa, where she’s making “Mogambo,” take the sabre-tooth cake. They’re nuts about the beautiful brunette’s make-up and want it for war paint! . . . To make Keefe Brasselle look more like the famous comedian in “The Cantor Story,” they shave off his natural widow’s peak twice a week . . . Because the studio wasn’t sure he was the right (?) type, Tony Martin had to test for the role of a night-club singer for “Easy to Love” . . . By the time Doris Day learned to ride a horse for “Calamity Jane,” the wardrobe department had to pad the seat of her riding pants so she could sit still for close-ups! . . . After Angela Lansbury finished her role opposite June Allyson in “Remains To Be Seen,” the stork took over. Then Angie was needed for retakes, so they “shot” her standing tucked behind a tall chair!


Set of the Month: Cal is convinced! For humor, personality and down-to-earthiness, no other actress can top Barbara Stanwyck. At U-I on the set of “all I Desire,” she was about to revive the famous “Bunny Hug” for the camera. Spying a visiting group from East-West football teams, she called out: “Wanna try it, fellows?” By the time those brawny lads finished a few whirls with her, they were dropping from exhaustion. Barbara? Not a hair out of place. Yes, local columnists still insist she has more than friendly fondness and vice versa for young Robert Wagner. Just wait until those super-snoopers learn that twenty-two-year-old Tab Hunter sees every Stanwyck picture five or six times!

Bluebird Stuff: It would warm the cockles of your heart to witness Jane Wyman’s happiness in her marriage to Freddie Karger. It’s worked out so well, she’s taking the Reagan children out of private school and they’ll live at home. Little Terry Karger. Fred’s eleven-year-old daughter, is so sweet and unspoiled she’s a great influence on Jane’s Maureen (same age) who fancies herself quite an adult. As a surprise for her husband, Janie sneaked Terry over to Paul Clemens’ studio, where the famous artist painted her portrait.


Crystal Ball Stuff: No announcement has been made. but wait and see. U-I is planning a sequel to be called, “The Son of Cochise” and it will star Rock Hudson. Now we can hardly wait for them to make “The Son of Cochise Meets the Daughter of Ma and Pa Kettle!” . . . Real quiet-like, M-G-M’s dusting off the old print of “Dancing Daughters,” a great movie in its day that catapulted the unknown Joan Crawford to staggering stardom. Star-studded casting this time: probably Elizabeth Taylor, Jane Powell and Ann Blyth.


Hodge-Podge: Someone saw it and reported that Mitzi Gaynor was walking around with a purse filled with thousand-dollar bills. They failed to mention that it was Korean money, sent to the dancing star by our boys who wanted it back—autographed! . . . Because he couldn’t stand being separated from his wife and baby, Richard Basehart secured his release from Twentieth Century-Fox, drove his Cadillac to New York and put it and himself on a boat headed for Italy and Valentina Cortesa.

Switcheroos: Marilyn Monroe exiting from Francis Orr’s stationery store in Beverly Hills, where she bought a calendar—for her desk! . . . Rock Hudson refusing a new studio dressing room suite, because he’s sentimental as well as superstitious about the cubby hole which was first assigned to him . . . Bill Holden pointing out Robert Mitchum in a public market, when an anxious tourist asked if there were any movie-stars around! . . . Virginia Mayo flabbergasting the studio by saying she wasn’t exhausted, she didn’t want to get away from it all and she’d be happy to come in and make publicity pictures, although she was off-salary . . . The famous team of Marge and Gower Champion inviting Debbie Reynolds and Carlton Carpenter to share an “evening off” with them. They ended up dancing at the Hollywood Palladium!


Additions: Mario Lanza’s a father for the third time and his famous chest is out to there. He’s so proud that his first son weighed in at eight pounds, six ounces, Mario may go back to work! . . . Good news for Jane Russell and Bob Waterfield, who finally won court approval to adopt lf Michael Kavanagh, the little English lad Jane brought home from London last year. They hope to adopt two more.

Lone Wolves: The Dan Dailey-Beetsy Wynn nuptials may never happen, skeptics say, because his personal counsellor supposedly advised Danny-boy never to make an important decision too hastily when his emotions were involved . . . Howard Duff’s sudden walk-out on Ida Lupino, following their return from a European trip, didn’t surprise their intimates. Al though he worships his wife and baby, Howard is a confirmed bachelor at heart, struggling nobly to adjust himself to a life of domesticity. His quick return to home and hearth pleased all their friends . . . John Wayne denies (not too happily) the possibility of an eventual reconciliation with his first wife, which would probably be the greatest break that could happen to him.


Marriages: Director Michael Curtiz wanted to rearrange the altar and give guests a better view of sweet singer Peggy Lee, when she married Brad Dexter! . . . So far no public comment from Aunt Ethel and Uncle Lionel on John Barrymore Jr.’s surprise marriage to flame-haired actress, Cara Williams . . . Just as everyone suspected. Bobby Van, young M-G-M dancing star, and starlet Diane Garrett have been secretly married, but finally had to tell it. More reasons to celebrate, Bob has the plum acting part of his career in the “Affairs of Dobie Gillis.”


Dancing With Tears: Fred Astaire is a quiet gentleman, but don’t try to push him around! Witness what happened when he “listened” to the story of “White Christmas” and agreed to do it with Bing Crosby. Then both boys were so disappointed with he finished script they withdrew and it was announced that Bing was sick and Fred refused to make the picture without him. Having never walked out on a job in his life, Fred got on the phone and the misinformed columnist certainly heard the true story. So did everyone else within learning distance!

Sneak Preview: Robert Wagner fans may swoon or swear when they see his long, black curly hair in “Twelve Mile Reef.” He’s a Greek sponge fisherman in this one. Long-haired Bob hailed us the day he returned from location in Florida. ‘I’m going to the photoplay Gold Medal dinner.” he bubbled, “and this time I’m invited!” Because he always wanted to witness one of the famous affairs, Bob confessed. last year he sneaked in!

Normal But Nice: Yes, there’s plenty of “ham” in the Dick Powell household—in the deep freeze! Everyone thought there might be a new June Allyson after she finished her glamorous role in “Remains to Be Seen,” but back she went to those Buster Brown collars and full skirts. “I loved doing the part,” Junie told us, “but the glamour pusses can have that squeezed-in-tight look. those high heels and painted nails. I like to take a deep breath and not have to worry about a split skirt and plunging neckline suddenly meeting!”

Rampant Red Head: Susan Hayward, who was voted the favorite American movie star in Spain, is about to call on Spain in person. She and Jess Barker will visit Ireland and Sweden too. because her two grandmothers came from these countries. Speaking of Susan, on the “White Witch Doctor” set, dozens of local lads from Central Casting were playing dark-skinned African natives. Our girl observed them as she cracked: “I’ll bet there’s a shortage of butlers in Beverly Hills this week!”

Frustrated Father: His son was exactly three days old when Jeffrey Hunter left for Europe to make “Sailor of the King.” Three months passed before he got back home again and the days seemed like years. On arrival, Jeff rushed into the nursery and gathered his offspring up in his arms. With a horrified look on his face, the poor frustrated father turned to his wife, exclaiming: “Barbara, what shall I do? He doesn’t even know me!”

Faces Going Places: Betty Grable, who should know. predicts that Kathleen Crowley is someone to watch and wait for. They play opposite each other in “Farmer Takes a Wife” and beautiful. talented Kathleen, who is the pride and joy of Egg Harbor, New Jersey, comes to Hollywood via television . . . Jeff Chandler, one of the first to enthuse over Debra Paget’s acting in “Broken Arrow,” now believes her sister will be the next star in the family. When Lorna Gaye signed that long-term contract with U-I, Jeff instantly asked them to find a part for her in his next picture . . . Not since Lana Turner and Guy Madison were overnight sensations in bit roles, has anyone impressed the public like photoplay Readers’ “Choose Your Star” girl, Elaine Stewart. Since playing that bawdy scene on the stairway with Kirk Douglas in “The Bad and the Beautiful,” her fan mail has tripled. Director Vincente Minnelli says Elaine will zoom to stardom.


Cal Salutes: Marilyn Erskine for having the courage to ask for her M-G-M release, rather than continue in mediocre parts. Her reward is the great role of Mrs. Eddie Cantor in the life story of the famous comedian, now being made at Warners . . . Burt Lancaster, for politely walking out on an interview when his interrogator persisted in plying him with too intimate questions . . . Ray Milland, for turning down $250,000 in acting jobs and remaining true to his ambition to direct a picture. which he’s now doing in Munich . . . Dana Andrews for getting the coveted role opposite Vivien Leigh in “Elephant Walk,” which Paramount is filming in Ceylon.

Undie-world News: The black lace nightgown Joan Evans received from her husband was so beautiful, she bought a heavy pink taffeta slip and now it’s an evening gown . . . Friends gave those matching honeymoon pajamas to Barbara Ruick and Robert Horton, who will marry in August. His are embroidered “Hers” and hers are embroidered “His,” if you’ll pardon the double-talk . . . Jerry Lewis saw ’em in a window and as a gag bought his wife those evening pants trimmed with sequin ants!

Nifty-Gifties: While in Italy, Pier Angeli cabled M-G-M for Debbie Reynolds’ and Leslie Caron’s shoe sizes. Each gal received a pair of those pointed toe, high heel evening models . . . In her spare time Piper Laurie loves to whittle. So the hand-whittled wooden nude she gave Rock Hudson for his birthday now stands in a specially-lit niche in his entrance hall.