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Kirk Douglas Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Kirk Douglas"

My Predictions For 1952

Will their careers bring them more fame? Will their private lives bring them happiness? One of Hollywood’s foremost crystal gazers peers into the future for a good look at tomorrow....

Change Of Heart—Pier Angeli & Vic Damone

EDITOR’S NOTE: A few hours before we went to press with this issue, Pier Angeli surprised us all by announcing her engagement to Vic Damone. The news was particularly surprising because Pier had been spending most of her time with Jimmy Dean who appeared to be...

Richard Chamberlain

Richard Chamberlain, we accuse you of making the one mistake no star can afford. We say you’re getting bad advice, and it’s costing you your personality. It’s one thing to be a decent human being, it’s something quite different to be dull. “Virtue,” in the...

Slum Kid—Edd Byrnes

I’m Edd Byrnes. I had a drunk for a father . . . a stinking cold-water hole for a pad—and a burning dream to get out. This is my story....

The Bride Who Said “No”—Natalie Wood

Have you wondered where Natalie has been lately? Have you wondered why it has been about fifteen months (when Marjorie Morningstar played at your local theater) since you’ve seen Natalie? One of the most sought-after and popular stars in the motion picture industry has not made a...