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White Christmas Tag

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Our Rosemary Clooney

The Success Story of 1953! One song began it, one movie clinched it—and young Miss Clooney, record maker, was everybody’s Rosie, record breaker!...

Hollywood Party Line

Cupid took almost complete command of the parties, showers, shindigs and preems this month. There were bridal showers for Jane Powell, Pier Angeli, Eleanor Parker and Mitzi Gaynor. One of the fanciest girl-and-gift soirees was given jointly by designer Helen Rose, Ann Strauss and Esme Chandlee...

Announcing Photoplay’s Award Winners Of 1954-55

Hollywood history was made on the evening of February 10th. For the thirty-fifth year, PHOTOPLAY’s Gold Medal awards singled out the movies and the stars that have won the public’s deepest affection. And, for the first time, newer stars who may be the Gold Medal...

Christmas Dreams

MEMO TO MR. S. CLAUS: Since children write you letters and grownups never do, we thought we’d play postman for the stars. All they want for Christmas is a red car, romance, Paris in the Spring and—other things that will surprise you when you click...

That’s Hollywood For You

I BELIEVE Edmund Purdom portrays a dashing hero in the “Dragnet” acting manner. . . . Wonder if Audrey Hepburn paid Dior to try to make her fashionable. . . . “White Christmas” reminds me: I go for Rosemary Clooney singing, “Love, You Didn’t Do...

Mad Fads

In father’s day, stars lined their pools with mink and rode in jewelled cars. Today, it’s items like these that add spice to the movie scene...