Here are tomorrow’s top twenty-two! On this and the following four pages MODERN SCREEN lifts the curtain, turns the spotlight on the newcomers Hollywood has been grooming for big-time. Now it’s up to them—and to you....
I wish Debbie Reynolds and Eddie Fisher don’t make a picture together for quite a while. Don’t think it will be good for Debbie and Eddie personally, even if the movie is a giant hit. . . . Ava Gardner likes to walk barefooted around...
Parties, parties, parties and one standout preem this month. But so many soirees, large and small, I fer sure won’t have room for all of ’em!
The biggest, most lavish shindig tossed hereabouts since the famed Marion Davies hoop-la was given by wealthy charitable Elsinore Macris...
Rumors from Hollywood celebrities . . . Vic Mature gives Brando competition . . . Debbie Reynolds talks too much . . . Joan Crawford is a movie fan. . . ....
How do they meet the first years of marriage? These young couples tell—with a frankness that makes this the most human and revealing picture of Hollywood we have ever published....