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“I hope I never have to ride a horse in a picture,” bemoaned. Marla English to John Derek in the Paramount commissary. The following Sunday both Marla and boy friend, Bud Pennell, were invited to the Derek’s ranch in Northbridge. “Now you’re going to get your first riding lesson,” announced John, who takes to horses like fish to water. Marla’s had a riding lesson every Sunday since and hopes she and Bud can make a Western movie together . . . Those new Motoralls Robert Francis wears to the studio made such a hit with May Wynn, she bought a pair, too. “Now all I need is a car to go with ’em!” explains the gal who’s got her eye on a fire-engine red Thunderbird. . . . Every month since their wedding, Julie Adams and Ray Danton have exchanged anniversary presents. And every month each has given the other—“something in pink marble and wrought iron. Things that later can be moved out of our living room onto a patio.”

“Our mountain top home is perfect—for eagles,” muse Dan and Elsie O’Herlihy. The whole truth is, with three children, the handsome Irish couple have outgrown their “aerie.” Dan, who loves making movies in Hollywood, hopes to make “just one more” in England. He has good reason, too. The O’Herlihy kiddies have two sets of grandparents in Ireland who have never seen them! . . . Newcomer Shirley MacLaine (watch for her in Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Trouble with Harry”) and actor-director Steve Parker fell in love with their house in Malibu, so now they’re trying to buy it. While Steve’s converting a store building into the beach colony’s first legitimate theatre, Shirley’s praying boss-man Hal Wallis will permit her to guest-star. New York’s loss is Hollywood’s gain in this setup!

Life Begins: On location in Salina, Kansas, for “Picnic,” disappointed William Holden couldn’t be there when daughter Virginia graduated from high school. But he sent her gifts, called her long distance and gave her a supper party in the private dining room at Chasen’s. Virginia was just a tiny tot when Bill married her mother, Brenda Marshall. Today, many of their friends think the poised, lovely Virginia resembles a young Ingrid Bergman in appearance. She took Bill’s name and their tender relationship has always been very precious to him. Enrolled in an Eastern finishing school, Virginia’s attracting top fashion editors who want her to model for them. The proud parents are practically bustin’ their buttons!

Old Love and New: Rock Hudson married? Could be! His neighbors report Phyllis Gates spends endless hours at the tall boy’s hilltop hideaway and something or someone is keeping Rock out of circulation these days. U-I wants him to remain single, which could account for a secret marriage—if any! . . . “I’ll never marry again,” declared disheartened Joan Crawford five years ago. “Five thousand dollars says that you will!” exclaimed Sonja Henie, sitting nearby. So forty-seven-year-old Joan eloped recently with fifty-four-year-old Al Steele, president of a soft drink company. Wonder if Sonja’s going to try to collect!

Facts and Figures: Between shots, making “Artists and Models,” Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis amused VIP’s. “The paper says that Marilyn Monroe’s name is going to back a new bra,” quipped Dean-o. “That should give the nation a lift,” Jerry quickly cracked. And it was Jerry who walked in while C. B. DeMille was direct- ing a scene for “The Ten Commandments.” Playing Rameses the Second, Yul Brynner’s shaved head glistened under the bright lights. “I had the best crew cut on the lot until you came here,” scolded Jerry. And then he stalked off the set again!

Wide Open Spaces: For his singing stint in Las Vegas, Jeff Chandler (he outdrew Liberace!) collected a cool $100,000. The crowds went wild, but Jeff’s biggest thrill was discovering Tony Curtis, Janet Leigh, Marge Chandler and their kiddies sitting out front at a ringside table . . . And Debbie Reynolds postponed her Las Vegas debut to accompany an entertainment troupe to army and navy hospital bases in Korea, Japan and Formosa.

Gifts for Girls: The day Elizabeth Taylor started “Giant,” Michael Wilding filled her dressing room with bowls of giant (natch!) gardenias And Stewart Granger was loaded down with magnificent saris for Jean Simmons when he flew back from India for an eight-day visit. Ironically, Jean only had one day off from “Guys and Dolls,” and then she had to have laryngitis! . . . Doris Day making “The Man Who Knew too Much,” in Marrakeech, Morocco, practically went broke buying the country’s fabulous filigree jewelry. She even bought Smudgie, her pet pooch, a Moroccan dog collar!

Little People: Suddenly stricken with severe pains, poor Pier Angeli was rushed back to the hospital. That fall in a plane endangered her expected baby, and when at last it’s born, Pier and Vic Damone will have peace of mind again . . . On the happier side, when Guy Madison’s little Bridget was christened, Rory Calhoun rushed home from his Mexican vacation to play godfather.

No Detours: Jane Russell doesn’t push-around easily, but there’s one gentleman (besides Bob Waterfield) who never has to argue with the bosomy brunette. “Bob Hope’s the master,” grins Jane, which is why she makes endless benefit appearances with him. Says Bob about Jane: “She’s a great girl. She not only is beautiful and talented, but Jane has an hourglass figure and with her—every moment counts!”

Purely Play-tonic: Now that Tyrone Power settled a million buckeroos on Linda Christian, everyone wonders what will happen between her and Edmund Purdom. The truth is, he seems less fascinated with the exotic lady. Before she left to make that foreign movie, they went to a Hollywood party and the entire room was aware of his indifference. It seems they had just returned from a short trip, and when reporters at the airport questioned Linda about her romance, she intoned, “We are just good friends and that’s all there is to it.” Edmund himself told the sardonic story at the dinner table, while Linda sat there and glowered!

Today in Hollywood: Now here’s a switch! Tab Hunter’s praying that Warners will “fire” him like they did Dick Davalos! Because he felt time and talent was a-wasting, Dick asked for and got his release. Tab wants better roles, too, better than that bit he played in “The Sea Chase.” His salary is small and independent producers keep offering him triple the amount. Naturally Tab would love to take advantage of the sizable sums . . . But over at M-G-M they’re working out a new deal for hotter-than-hot Russ Tamblyn. However, now that his future is brighter than polished brass, the studio expects Russ to slick himself up when he appears in public. Dirty dungarees have to go—when stardom sets in!

What Price Glory: When Clark Gable returned from making “The Tall Men” in Durango, Mexico, he brought Kay Spreckels a gold monogrammed ring. Every local columnist insisted it was a wedding ring—but here’s the inside story. The crew on the picture is crazy about Kay, so they pooled their cash and sent the ring to Kay via “The King.” He did call the beautiful blond every day while he was away. And Kay’s maid summed up the situation, saying: “That man better come home soon, or he’ll be too broke to marry you!”

Personal Press Agent: We’ve got news for handsome Jeff Richards! Any time a super-cynic like Humphrey Bogart goes out of his way to praise another actor, he really has to rate it. When Jeff used to sail his sloop in Balboa Bay, he hung around the dock where Bogey keeps his big boat. They’d talk, and finally one day Jeff was asked if he’d like to “crew” on the Santana. “I liked this well-adjusted young fellow who minded his own business,” says the inimitable Bogart. “I didn’t know Jeff was an actor and he didn’t tell me. As a rule I can spot ’em a mile away!”

Reverie: No role has touched Jane Wyman quite as much as her current one in “Miracle in the Rain.” For eight consecutive nights they shot scenes from 10 P.M. to 5 A.M. in New York’s beautiful St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Jane, now a convert, will never forget the experience . And Ernest Borgnine always says prayers of thanks for Burt Lancaster’s fabulous foresight. He was doomed to Hollywood type casting, like his sadistic Sergeant Fatso in “From Here to Eternity.” Then Burt recognized the sensitive side of Ernest’s nature, put him into the now famous “Marty,” and a great new star was born.

Land-Lovers: All that additional green stuff from Audie Murphy’s new U-I contract goes right back into cattle grazing acreage in Texas. A fresh-off-the-range Audie is so thrilled with his first modern wardrobe in “World in His Arms,” he bought every made-to-measure suit . . . With her own company on a cross-country singing tour, Judy Garland planned to make New York her permanent address. But the day before she left, the sentimental songstress took a final look, at her beautiful Beverly Hills estate, fell in love with it all over again and promptly took it off the market!

Smelling Salts: Janie Powell was calm, cool and collected when she opened her act in Las Vegas. She was, that is, until she took one look at Pat Nerney’s face. Then she began worrying about him—because he was worrying about her. She still stopped the show cold! . . . Poor Pat Crowley was appearing in a downtown musical the night sister Ann opened at the Hotel Statler. So she appealed to such friends in need as Lori Nelson, Tab Hunter, Barry Coe and Debra Paget. They sat at a ringside table and cheered talented Ann until grateful Pat dashed over after her performance.

Design for Living: One very busy day Ann Blyth had about thirty minutes to buy a new gown for a special party. So she dashed into Amelia Gray’s smart dress salon on Wilshire Boulevard. Then it happened! “Oh Miss Blyth,” exclaimed a lady customer who recognized the star, “I’m from Albia, Iowa, and if you’d pick out my dress, I could go back home and tell everyone!” Sweet Annie did just that—or didn’t have time to buy one for herself!

Bits and Pieces: When handsome George Nader got that crew cut for “Away All Boats,” a fan wrote in and asked: “What are you going to do with your old hair?” . . . You may watch for a big fat Farley Granger comeback now that he’s finally bought up his contract (at a reported six figures) from producer Sam Goldwyn. It still had three years to run and Farl was determined to free lance—or else! . . . Little books of folding matches that disappear at every Hollywood party and restaurant go right into Joan Collins’ handbag. 20th’s bright new star collects them and sends them to her sister in England.

Collector’s Item: Audrey Hepburn and Mel Ferrer have taken a honeymoon villa in Rome for the duration of their co-starring stint in “War and Peace.” So, in her spare time, Audrey searches for antiques. One day she found a rare Florentine picture frame and fell in love with it. The price was unusually high—for a very special reason. It held a picture of Bing Crosby and, to get the frame, Audrey had to buy Bing, too!

New Twos: Robert Wagner was lunching with a beautiful little blond in the 20th commissary, when Richard Egan and Bob Stack moved in on his table. “Men, I want you to meet Granny,” flipped the wary one—and he never did divulge the young lady’s name! This we know, they met in La Jolla when Bob was visiting his parents . . . And although they worked at the same time in the same studio in different pictures, Piper Laurie never met Gene Nelson until they played opposite each other in a New York tv show. They’ve been meeting regularly ever since! . . . The ex-Mrs. Johnnie Ray (Marilyn Morrison) visited James Dean daily in the “Rebel Without a Cause” set. A serious romance? “A welcome change of scenery from this gang of juvenile hoodlums,” grins provacative James.