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Phyllis Gates Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Phyllis Gates"

Love Wasn’t Enough—Rock Hudson & Phyllis Gates

A man fleeing from his home and registering at the Beverly Hills Hotel under his real name, Roy Fitzgerald, a woman packing her trunks to leave town—Hollywood was stunned when the marriage of Rock Hudson and his Phyllis took this sudden, tragic turn. They've issued...

Impertinent Interview—Rock Hudson

“How do you like being coupled romantically with girls that are simply friends?” I asked Rock Hudson. The question was prompted by the many magazine and gossip column items linking Rock romantically with the Countess Maria Cicogne, Betty Abbott, Phyllis Gates, Joan Crawford and many...

Can Rock Hudson’s Marriage Be Saved?

HER SIDE   Everything had seemed so perfect when Phyllis Gates was wed to Rock Hudson, every girl’s dream man—handsome, tall and strong, steady, faithful and honest. The kind of man who makes an ideal husband. And, with his career going into high gear, there wasn’t a...