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Marisa Pavan Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Marisa Pavan"

Marisa Pavan: “I Needed To Marry An Older Man”

When Marisa Pavan chose to marry a man twenty years older than she was, the people who did not know her or her husband said many things. They said that she was foolish and her husband selfish. They said that her husband was separated from her...

How He Proposed

She may be an old married lady, like Janet and Jane and Debbie—she may be a brand-new bride like Marisa and Terry and Anita—but when June comes around, she remembers . . ....

Choose Your Stars!

Talent, ambition, appeal—all these newcomers are qualified, but will they make the grade? Vote and help your favorites...

Choose Your Stars

Who will be the top young players of 1956? Your favorites need your vote to win . . . 40 Stars To Select From...