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Gary Cooper Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Gary Cooper"

Why Jack Lemmon Left His Wife?

I’ve seen a lot of heartbreak and tragic misunderstandings, but after talking to Jack and Cynthia (separately, in private) about their sudden break-up, I’m frankly puzzled. The more I think about it, the more I wonder . . ....

Biography Of Marilyn Monroe

PART III   The bride was on time. On January 14, 1954, at one o’clock, Marilyn Monroe, twenty-seven years old, married Joe DiMaggio, thirty-nine, in the San Francisco City Hall. The ceremony, which lasted all of three minutes, was performed by Municipal Court Judge Charles Peery. The Los...

The Two Loves Of Ben Cooper

He carries two pictures in his wallet—one is a showgirl, the other is a horse. Both of them were part of the wonderful years Ben Cooper will never forget....