You Read It First In Vintage Paparazzi

Purely Personal: Edd Byrnes tells me he can now furnish the house he bought in Cold Water Canyon before his five-month strike against Warner Brothers. “I was too broke during that time to think about furniture,” Edd grinned. “Now I’m in and out of shops every minute I have away from the set.” “And who is helping you?” I asked. “Asa Maynor,” he confessed. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Asa one day graced the house of “Kookie” as Mrs. Edd Byrnes. . . . Gardner McKay postcards from Paris that he’s having a knockout time visiting the art galleries and museums. Gardner, some- thing of a sculptor himself, once lived in Paris and knows all the Left Bank hangouts. . . . “I don’t believe it,” Dave Hedison cried when I ran into him recently. “Everytime I see you, Sara, I’m on my way to New York. This is at least the fourth time.” “And when do you go next?” I asked. “I’m on my way now,” he grinned, “See you later.” . . . It was no idle summer for Tony Perkins and Van Johnson. Both lads did summer stock in the East and Van recon- ciled with his estranged wife Evie.

Bits and Pieces: Never can you visualize the disappointed expression on Fabian’s handsome face when he trekked off to location for the John Wayne movie “Go North.” Fabe was delighted to be playing in the movie but the location summons came before he’d filmed his big production number with Bing Crosby in “High Time.” “And after all those dancing lessons,” he moaned. I’d sat in on several rehearsals and was amazed at Fabe’s dancing ability. The lad was really good. Richard Beymer, also in “High Time,” substituted for Fabian in the number. Which reminds me. Richard and Tuesday Weld are still at the hand holding stage—in the daytime. But evenings usually finds Tuesday riding the roller coaster with Elvis Presley at Ocean Park.

Tommy can’t wait to come home
Rumors: Connie Stevens and John Ashley are such a cozy twosome, that Connie’s other beaus are wearing that lost and forsaken look. I really can’t blame them—besides good looks, she’s got personality. . . . The reasons advanced for the coolness between Jack Lemmon and his former chum Tony Curtis are pretty silly. One group claims Tony is sore over Jack’s nomination for an Oscar in “Some Like It Hot” while Tony was overlooked. Another group insists Tony resents the preference of director Willie Wilder for Jack as an actor, especially after his work in “The Apartment.” And still another set insists Marilyn Monroe made trouble between the boys during their “HOT” stint together. But the truth is their work has kept the boys apart and that’s the end of that book—period. . . .The silliest rumor of all had popular Bobby Darin much older in years than he claims. All based on the gossip Bobby’s hair is thinning. Of all things. . . . Another flight of fancy had Ernie Borgnine and Katy Jurado at sword’s point. quieted the stories. For a spell, at least… . From Rome wafts rumors that Pier Angeli and actor-singer Maurizio Arena will wed when Pier’s divorce becomes final. It must be love between the two for Pier was more devoted than ever after an audience in Naples booed the handsome Italian off the stage. Oh dear! ! ! !

A New Era: I’m amused at the efforts of Carolyn Jones and her husband Aaron Spelling, such individuals, to go all out for old time glamor in their elegant new showplace home. And I’m all for it even when Carolyn admits it’s way beyond their means. But, as the Spellings are discovering, that wonderful era of glamor in Hollywood is over and no matter how much we may yearn for it, it’s as out of place in today’s economic scheme of things as the horse and buggy. Rather than satin draped stars in elaborate mansions, today it’s the modern kitchens that come in for glamorization. Those all-electric kitchens of Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Stewart, for instance. And even the younger set who go in for large homes, take it slowly when it comes to furnishings. “Tony and buy a piece at a time just as we can afford it,” Janet Leigh once told me as we toured her lovely home. “We never get out of our depth.” Yes, today, stars are going in for smaller homes or piece-by-piece furnishings. And sorry as we are to admit it, those wonderful, elaborate mansions of the Hollywood of old, that wonderful, beaded, fringed glamor of old. is no more. And I doubt if we’ll see its like again. . . . Dave Nelson confides his one big ambition is to have his own plane. I can just see Dave and Ricky flying together, high in the sky. These are two brothers who stick together in everything. “Except,” says David, “Ricky walks off with a pretty girl while I’m still planning to ask for a date. How he does it, I’ll never know.” Wonder if that’s going on down in Australia where the two boys are vacationing together. I must remember to ask Dave when he comes home.

Around Town: When Tommy Sands was suddenly summoned for his basic training at Lackland Air Force Base at San Antonio, Texas, Nancy Sinatra called off her planned farewell party. But judging from the way these two missed each other, their wedding should take place the second Tommy returns. . . . Overseas operators were rather glad when the long delayed “Let’s Make Love” was finished and the songs were later waxed for a platter. Every day, while he was here, Simone Signoret telephoned husband Yves Montand to know when he would return to her in Paris. And with all their blending of French and English, the operators in a dither.

Here And There: If you want to meet Tab Hunter, get interested in horses. It was at a horse show in Phoenix, Arizona, that Tab spotted cute Vicki Trickett and advised the pretty girl with the tricky name to try movies. Result? Vickie grabbed a role in “Pepe” with Cantinflas and is on her way. . . . They call Warner Brothers the “Gettysburg of 1960,” what with all those battles raging between studio and stars. James Garner, for instance, never did get his fracas settled, at least not at this writing, and how about Roger Moore who was ready to pop his top? Expecting roles in major films after his TV “Alaskans” series was over, the studio ordered the handsome Englishman to take on Garner’s role in “Maverick.” When Roger refused, they suspended him. But I understand everything was finally settled and everyone’s happy again.

Cesar and Mrs. Mayer.
The Grand Ball: They are quite the handsomest couple in the room, I thought to myself, as Cesar Romero and Princess Margaretha of Sweden waltzed by my table at the Waif ball in the sweet-faced Princesses, Beverly room. Margaretha of Sweden, Astrid of Norway and Margrethe of Denmark, each had partners of equal height. Vincent Price, Fernando Lamas, George Montgomery and Tom Tryon were all gallant attendants. “Tell me about it,” I said to Tom later in the evening. “Well, I followed instructions,” he said. “I presented myself, spoke my name, and requested a dance. | felt flattered to be dancing with such a lovely Princess.” Looking so lovely were guests Barbara Stanwyck, Jeanette MacDonald, Merle Oberon, Dinah Shore and Arlene Dahl. Don Loper introduced the Royal visitors in his most gracious manner. But the incident that held my attention was the marked interest Desi Arnaz displayed in Anna Kashfi. In fact, Desi has been seeing Anna quite often since that evening. A budding romance, perhaps? ? ? ?

The Beans—Mitzi and Jack.
Briefies: Rosemarie Bowie grew lonely while husband Robert Stack tracked down hoodlums in “The Untouchables.” Result is actress Rosemarie accepted a role in the movie “All In A Night’s Work” and now both Stacks are busy, busy, busy. . . . Tab Hunter tells me he sees no conflict in titles with his new TV series “Bachelor At Large” and John Forsythe’s “Bachelor Father.” But John thinks the similarity may prove confusing. What do you think? ? ?

Earfuls: The most forlorn man in town is Ty Hardin who moans, “How can I win back my wife Andra?” Ty didn’t appreciate his ex-wife Andra Martin when he had her. And with those wonderful twin boys, too!!!! The new house Debbie Reynolds purchased could well be her honeymoon home. With Harry Karl the groom, of course. . . . Kim Novak’s placidly beautiful face wore an odd expression when word came director Richard Quine, her devoted beau, planned to remain in Europe for two more pictures. Could be Richard is weary of the chase. . . . Sammy Davis Jr. has asked Frank Sinatra to be his best man when he weds May Britt. Handsome socialite, Ed Gregson, attending drama classes on the 20th Century lot, has nothing to say concerning the engagement of his former wife May to the versatile Sammy. . . . “I want to see the boss,” an irate impatient customer, at a local gas station, cried. “Sorry, sir,” replied the polite attendant, “but Tony Curtis is very busy making a picture at the moment and he owns the station.” OUCH!!!! Step right up and call him Producer Eddie Fisher. Eddie will produce his wife’s future movies, act in a few and look after his own record company. Busy, eh???? My sincere sympathy goes out to Lana Turner in her problems with daughter Cheryl. Certainly it’s no time to be critical of the star whose heart is so heavy laden. . . . And in case you’ve wondered, John Derek is still roaming the world. His last stop was Rome for the “Colossus of Rhodes” movie. Like Bill Holden, John seems to be completely off our town of Hollywood. I can’t figure out why, but we all miss them and wish they’d come home.

May they live happily evermore!
Cal York: Bobby Darin’s promise to appear with George Burns in Las Vegas, forced him to turn down that good role in the movie “Cry For Happy.” Poor Bobby all but Cried For Unhappiness at that, till a successful nightclub tour cheered him. Talented Donald O’Connor stepped into the role. How wonderful it will be to see Donald on the screen after a three year absence. . . . Marilyn Bradley made that TV Spectacular with her best beau, Robert Horton, in London. The English, who are rabid Horton fans, were disappointed when Bob strolled down Bond Street minus his “Wagon Train” outfit. Evenings, they couldn’t get over how well his tux fit. . . . Jean Seberg divorced her French husband Francois Moreuil. But little Jean will continue to make most of her movies abroad. . . . Efrem Zimbalist will apply for a California divorce since his wife Steffi blocked the Reno deal. This man seems bound to get free. . . . It was a happy get together with the press when Bob Hope and Lucille Ball celebrated the start of their movie, “Facts Of Life.”” And who showed up for Good Luck kiss with his Lucy but her ex-husband Desi Arnaz. But Lucille insists it’s no reconciliation move. Everybody else wishes it was, though.
Scoopies: Put down John Saxon as another rebel from Hollywood. John claims he’s weary of wearing a stoney face in movies and yearns to laugh and sing and really let go in a hoe-down musical. And I’d really love to let go with him. . . . Steve Allen will attend night classes at UCLA and work in movies now that his TV show is no more. Sorry to have Steve fade from our screens. But I am looking forward to Doris Day’s big spectacular this fall and Debbie’s first solo TV show. . . . “Call me grandfather” says Fred MacMurray with pride. His daughter Susan Pool has presented her father with a handsome namesake—Frederick Michael. . . . TV’s Peter Breck frontier attorney in “Black Saddle” married pretty Diane Bourne but Jody Baker of “The Wackiest Ship In The Army” cast, is blue over his marital problems with Joan Blackman. Those Boone family smiles reached from ear to ear as Pat, Shirley, and their four little girls arrived in Hollywood to live and enjoy life the rest of their days. They hope. And we hope so, too. . . . We also hope that cute Luana Patten and handsome John Smith live happily ever after.
Vive La France: Poor Jacques Charrier. No sooner had Jacques, Brigitte Bardot’s husband, recovered from his nervous breakdown, than he found himself out of her new movie and her life completely.