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That’s Hollywood For You

I’m amused by the fact Anita Ekberg had to go to Italy to prove she was a good actress, and Sophia Loren had to come to Hollywood to prove she wasn’t. . . . Did you notice that Tony Curtis wore his made-to- order Italian suits although he played a hick musician from the sticks in “The Rat Race”? . . . Elvis Presley is a Judo expert. so don’t get funny with him fellows—or girls. . . . I still look forward to Marilyn Monroe winning an Oscar for the best performance by an actress. M.M. is capable of it. despite her stage fright in front of a camera. . . . Tuesday Weld is now going through what she calls her “reconstruction period.” Tuesday has had enough of the weird doings and the beatniks and is now out to improve herself. . . . Laurence Harvey’s real name is Larushka Mischa Skihne. Aren’t you glad he changed it? .. . Louis Jourdan plays the piano badly. He does, however, play tennis and croquet well. . . . Hollywood is a place where it is better for a woman to be well-formed than well-informed. . . . I’ve never seen Kim Novak wear a pair of loose fitting toreador pants. . . . Betty Grable would stand a chance of being discovered for pictures if she already hadn’t been a movie star. . . . Intuition, according to Tony Randall, is what tells a woman she’s right when she’s wrong.

Anna Maria Alberghetti, although it isn’t noticeable, has blossomed into a good business woman. . . . The old Deanna Durbin bungalow at Universal now has a shingle in front stating “Wagon Train” and is the headquarters of that TV show. . . . The old Shirley Temple bungalow at 20th is now the studio dentist’s office. . . . I continue to be fascinated by Katharine Hepburn’s face. Close-ups of these performers always hold my rapt attention.

I must favor actresses named Holliday, no matter how they spell it. For example, you must see Judy Holliday in “Bells Are Ringing,” the best musical of the year and Judy’s best movie since “Born Yesterday.” And then you must see “The Apartment” (the best comedy to date) if only to discover Hope Holiday, who has a terrific bit. . . . I wish to report that I witnessed Edd (Kookie) Byrnes buying a comb in Schwab’s. . . . I have yet to see anyone look better in Technicolor than Maureen O’Hara. She photographs as if she were made for their test runs. . . . George Hamilton, who wears hard, starched collars, even insists that his bed sheets be starched. . . . Hollywood is a place where the type of people who discover talent would have discovered America in 1493. . . . Jack Lemmon confesses that “Somewhere I read that I’m supposed to look like the All-American boy. I think I may be worried by the idea.” . . . It doesn’t worry Doris Day—I mean being called the AIl-American Girl. Nor is Debbie Reynolds insulted by it. Movie acting has been therapy for Sal Mineo. . . . Mickey Rooney still bites his nails. . . . Elizabeth Taylor doesn’t have to display cleavage to be sexy, but she does. . . . I’d say that Archie Moore is the best actor in “Adventures of Huck Finn.” Young Eddie Hodges could learn a trick from Archie—that is not to use any tricks. . . . Director Otto Preminger reversed the procedure and pulled a Curtizism on Mike Curtiz. Otto said: “I think I’ll go to Palm Springs for three days for a week’s rest.”

Shirley MacLaine looks as if she’s in action even when she’s standing still. . . . Sometimes, when I see Olivia De Havilland on the Late Show, I miss seeing her in a current movie. . . . Whenever I meet Craig (Peter Gunn) Stevens, I feel as if I’m part of a mystery and must be careful of what I say. . . . Hollywood is a place where the new movie stars go to parties hoping to see the real movie stars, who go hoping to see each other.

I’m told Zsa Zsa Gabor considers herself naked if she isn’t wearing jewelry. Why, there are some nights Zsa Zsa even wears a bracelet to bed. . . . They buy the Broadway hit play, “Marriage-Go-Round” with such movie stars as Claudette Colbert and Charles Boyer in the lead; then the only member of the original cast suitable for the screen version is non- movie star, Julie Newmar. . . . Linda Cristal will tell you that she divorced her husband because their neuroses didn’t mix. . . . Hollywood is a place where an actor will take any amount of criticism, so long as it’s flattering That’s Hollywood For You.