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Edd Byrnes Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Edd Byrnes"

The Two Faces Of Troy Donahue

“Troy Donahue,” said Sandra Dee’s mother, “is one of the nicest, best behaved boys in Hollywood. I have complete trust in him. There are few boys I’d rather see take Sandra out than Troy.” “Every time I hear what a nice guy Troy is supposed to...

Slum Kid—Edd Byrnes

I’m Edd Byrnes. I had a drunk for a father . . . a stinking cold-water hole for a pad—and a burning dream to get out. This is my story....

That’s Hollywood For You

I was in a huddle with Sandra Dee just before she appeared on Steve Allen’s TV program to accept her Photoplay Gold Medal Award. Suddenly, Sandra got up from her chair backstage and said, “Excuse me. I have to walk around. I’m nervous.” “Why?” I...

That’s Hollywood For You

I don’t believe Debbie Reynolds is going to rush into marriage. . . . Marilyn Monroe waves her wrists to relax before going into a scene. I didn’t think it meant anything until MM made me do it. I did feel more relaxed, although I...