I’ve seen a lot of heartbreak and tragic misunderstandings, but after talking to Jack and Cynthia (separately, in private) about their sudden break-up, I’m frankly puzzled. The more I think about it, the more I wonder . . ....
This couple’s for real—normal as burnt hot dogs on the grill, regular as the 8:05, corny as any doting parents. The brighter Jack’s future gets, the more old-shoe his habits become...
Where are the stars of yesteryear? What are they doing now? Did their wealth and fame bring them happiness? These are the questions everyone is asking, for the wonderful personalities of the past are returning again to the dizzy heights of their heyday. Every night, they’ve...
Everyone’s given reasons why June and Dick are on the verge of divorce. But no one, apparently, has discovered the one reason why they’re still together!...
“I didn’t know I had that effect on women,” Jack grinned. And Cynthia didn’t know that two bottles of vinegar would launch them on the maddest, merriest marriage in Hollywood!...
With or without a prince, Grace Kelly remains a puzzle. Bet she will to him, too. . . . I was moved by Kim Novak, in “The Man with the Golden Arm,” more than in any of her other movies. . . . For the...