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Rosemary Clooney Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Rosemary Clooney"

Vintage Paparazzi Star Fashions

FAMOUS LEGS IN NEW SHOES NEW HOSE   Leslie Caron’s dancing feet step out in swing-strap, navy calf Jolene sandals, $9.95. She wears a navy silk shantung print by Jonathan Logan, 7-15, under $20. Debway hat. Carol Deb pearls. Holeproof’s nude-foot hose. Her next film: M-G-M’s “Lili”   GUESS WHOSE...

Our Rosemary Clooney

The Success Story of 1953! One song began it, one movie clinched it—and young Miss Clooney, record maker, was everybody’s Rosie, record breaker!...

Ring Around Rosemary Clooney

There are long faces and short tempers over Rosie’s marriage. But nothing bothers the unblushing bride. She’s singing and shouting, “Just flippin’ my lid! Never been happier!”...

Louella Parsons’ Good News

Wonderful news about Virginia Mayo . . . Shelley goes sleek . . . new “headlines” for Rita . . . Young Mr. Wilding steps out . . . And young Mr. Arnaz gets censored....