Modern Screen Goes To Timberline—Robert Hutton & Cleatus Caldwell
For Californians who get tired of changeless skies and pink and blue Christmases, there’s a haven in Oregon called Mount Hood. As a matter of fact, you don’t have to be a Californian. From all over the country, skiers come to frolic in luxurious surroundings. For Timberline. Lodge, on Hood’s south slope, is lavish.

It was built by WPA workers during the depression. It’s of stone, and timber, and the walls of the first story are heavy native boulders. Inside, there are lounges, lobbys, beamed ceilings, natural wood paneling, hand-made draperies, and an air of carefully planned and expensive quaintness.

Outside, there are mountains, and a snow. Four trails start at Timberline; one (West Log) for beginners, two (Alpine and Cascade) for fair skiers, and one (Blossom) for experts. A mile-long chair lift carries you 7,000 feet to Silcox Hut. If you’re manly, you can use a good rope tow, instead. Two of these rope tows are available.

Because of so many slopes and elevations and kinds of snow conditions (from the dry powdery stuff up near the top, to the softer sticky snow on the lower levels) Mount Hood’s a magnificent testing ground for ski clothes.

The White Stag people, manufacturers of such clothes, have used the mountain for twenty years, putting their various articles through grueling tests, before they market them.

White Stag thought a young Hollywood couple like Bob Hutton and Cleatus Caldwell might enjoy a Timberline vacation, and do some testing for White Stag at the same time. Particularly since the Huttons are both highly enthusiastic skiers.

The Huttons thought so, too, and MODERN SCREEN, which took you to Palm Springs for a season in the sun, followed the Huttons to Timberline to bring you a season in the snow.