Above all else, the future Mrs. Presley must know how to play the role of companion so that Elvis will never be depressed by the loneliness that he dreads so much....
One afternoon, Doris Day left her studio dressing room and started walking over to the set.
Then the pain hit her.
It hit her like the shock of an unexpected breaker in an angry sea and she was drowning with it. Her heart was a hammer and...
I’ll bet Sophia Loren is now regarded as a Hollywood actress in Italy . . . I can’t imagine Tony Perkins cooking a meal, but . . . he does . . . Nobody sings a torch song like Frank Sinatra . . . Nobody...
I wouldn’t believe it was Natalie Wood if I saw Natalie Wood alone in a restaurant or at the movies. . . . Frank Sinatra should record an album of torch ballads and call it “Songs For Losers Only.” . . . As Sinatra says:...
I know a guy whose favorite actress is Piper Laurie. But he wonders if she and all the other girls around Hollywood—including Debbie Reynolds—are as innocent as they seem to be . . . Yvonne DeCarlo believes most good-looking men aren’t smart . . ....
I don’t think Debbie Reynolds, June Allyson, Ann Blyth, representatives of the-girl-next-door type, have to change their style because Hollywood is on a glamour kick? . . . Yvonne DeCarlo’s pet poodle, Billy, sleeps in bed with her. . . . Many actresses have told...
I saw Rock, Tab and Race standing together chatting at Warners . . . Bet Fess Parker got a shock when he read about the real Davy Crockett . . . Marlon Brando and Sam Goldwyn have genuine. affection for each other . . ....