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Aldo Ray Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Aldo Ray" (Page 2)

Hollywood Party Line

TWO OLD-FASHIONED hoe-downs (one, hillbillyish, one just old-fashioned) were among Movietown’s high spots this month. Both honored Western-type fellers—Guy Madison and John Wayne. An actor has to be an unusually nice guy to have his agent throw an expensive shindig for him; and it was...

Hits And Hisses

When Hollywood’s women reporters decided to award those apples, even they underestimated the power of the press...

Look Who’s Here!

Some are new, some have been around for awhile—these players who currently are attracting so much attention on the movie screen....

Hollywood Party Line

There were lots of after dark doings at which Hollywood glamour-pusses had fun, ranging from the offbeat to the crazy. On the legit side was the exciting opening of “Anniversary Waltz.” with Howard Duff and Marsha Hunt. Ida Lupino, looking lovely, was as nervous as all...