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You Read It First In Vintage Paparazzi

Flying Sparks: Kim Novak’s announcement that she’ll marry director Richard Quine, who guided her through “Bell Book and Candle” and gave Kim her start, is taken with a noncommital grin by Quine, who only recently separated from his wife. The feeling is Kim talks a good marriage. And that’s where it ends. In talk . . . There really may be something cooking between Hugh O’Brian and Nancy Sinatra, I conclude after spending an evening with them. . . . Believe it or not, Dorothy Malone, a “no-kiss” bachelor girl, blushes when the name Jacques Bergerac is mentioned. Just when everybody thought blushing had gone out with crocheted hat pin holders! . . .

Phyllis Hudson acquired a home, the former Rock Hudson abode, a $250 a week alimony and a brand new beau, all in one short, hot summer. Rock’s divorce settlement accounts for the house and income, but Phyllis acquired the beau on her own. He’s a professor of philosophy she met while taking his course at UCLA. And speaking of Rock, we’re all curious over the recordings he’s made and locked away, pending future release.

The Gossip Concerns: The disintegration of the Jim Arness marriage, and the regret of friends who admire both Big (“Gunsmoke”) Jim and his Virginia . . . Shelley Winters’ heart-to-hearts with husband Tony Franciosa in Europe, and the hopes their problems can be ironed out . . . That Hollywood Cosmo Alley hideout where The Beat Generation and some of our best-known young actors hide out for an evening of “crazy, man, crazy.” . . . The disapproval of socialite Barbara Hutton over the seemingly serious romance between son Lance Reventlow and starlet Jill St. John. The divorce scorecard: Jill one; Barbara five; Lance, none . . . That new $300 wig Betty Furness brought back from Paris which, if the fad catches on, will have us all looking like Marie Antoinette in search of a guillotine . . . The wonder if the arrival of Peter and Pat Lawford’s third child will curb Pete’s boyishness to a settling-down-to-business attitude . . . Little David Laddpatiently doing his homework, unaware papa Alan Ladd turned down a $50,000 contract which would have kept the boy from attending school. David’s only financial concern is that he gets that twenty-five cents a week allowance . . . Tony Perkins’ album, “From My Heart,” which won him the privilege of singing in his upcoming Audrey Hepburn movie, “Green Mansions” . . . The heartache in store for Deborah Kerr if Tony Bartleysucceeds in taking her two children from her. In Hollywood, where his harshness has won him no friends, they refer to Tony as “the Dr. Lindstrom (Ingrid Bergman’s ex) of the British set.” Fortunately, Ingrid got her daughter Jenny back.


Paul Newman will be the new femme rave now that “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” is out. With the bluest eyes in captivity, the profile of a Greek god and the Brando-like talents, Paul is sure to be the toast of the both coasts . . . I predict Bing Crosby will employ different tactics in rearing his new son, “Tex” Crosby. Tex’s four older brothers, whom Bing reared to the best of his ability, have somehow strayed from their father’s hopes and plans . . . The twins, Dennis and Phillip have given up their veterinary studies, young Lindsay renounced college and Gary seems definitely estranged. So little Harry Lillis Crosby III, named for his father and grandfather, may find a closer relationship with Papa Bing. . . . I predict the new trends in prolonged and careful divorce settlements and “marriage first” plans will change the whole course of Hollywood and its people. And the stand taken by younger wives in following their husbands and being with them at all costs, is another indication Hollywood is awakening to a new maturity and a new set of values. Joanne Woodward,who is now at the peak of her career, will give it up for the duration of husband Paul’s play on Broadway, just to be near him. Joanne will take a psychology course at Columbia. Natalie Wood refuses all offers that take her away from husband Bob Wagner in Hollywood, even a flattering film to be made in England. Hope Langefollowed husband Don Murray to Ireland for his six months toil on his movie, “Shake Hands With the Devil,” their second child being born on Irish soil. Shirley Jones, at the cost of her own career, refuses to leave husband Jack Cassidy behind in Hollywood. It’s a new day and a new hope for Hollywood. 

We Give a Party

George Nader and Jolie Gabor, mother of Eva and Zsa (what’s her middle name again?), walked off with all the fortune cookies at Photoplay’s gala brunch party, held at Trader Vic’s restaurant. The cookies were first prizes awarded for the best sayings to be put inside fortune cookies. Jolie’s winning phrase was “Confucious say. It is never too late.” (And with her handsome bridegroom by her side, the message was obvious.) George’s “Never mistake asthma for passion,” gave everyone a good laugh.

“Aren’t you a bit cynical with that suggestion?” I asked him kiddingly.

“Yes, I am,” he admitted, winking at lovely Martha Hyer, who sat next to him at our table.

Nick Adams, master of ceremonies, opened the party at noon in the Hawaiian Lounge, sporting a black eye achieved during a TV rehearsal. Then we all moved into the main dining room for luscious brunch, Traders’ style . . . Kim Novak arrived late and was joined at brunch by Hugh O’Brian, who came alone. Dorothy Malone and Jacques Bergerac were at a table with Terry Moore, Dolores Hart, Earl Holliman, Edd Byrnes, Dorothy Johnson and that happy couple, Diane Jergens and Peter Brown . . . Mama-to-be Jayne Mansfield looked for all the world like a semi-stout matron, in her black print dress and subdued hairdo. She and husband Mickey Hargitay (who may be the next Tarzan) brunched with Jean Wallace, Barry Coe and Judi Meredith, and across the table, the couple that had people buzzing, Jill St. John and Lance Reventlow,chatting with the Stuart Whitmans . . . Taina Elg sat next to the John Gavins, and the three had a gay time with the Cliff Robertsons. Cynthia Robertson proved again what a lucky man her Cliff really is. Cynthia’s a sweet, natural, charming girl, and she and Cliff are so happy over their expected baby in March. Cynthia already has a son by her former marriage to Jack Lemmon . . . Al Hedison with Joan Collins sat with producer Jerry Wald, who howled over Dick Sargent’s cookie-slogan suggestion: “Help, help, I’m a prisoner of Jerry Wald!” Dick is one of the cadets in Jerry’s production, “Mardi Gras.” . . . For Martha Hyer it was a double party when the waiter presented her with a birthday cake, thoughtfully arranged for by escort George . . . Mark Damon with Connie Stevens, producer Henry Ginsberg, Scotty Reuben and Mr. and Mrs, Sid Rogell of 20th Century-Fox helped Martha dispose of the gooey, delicious almond-filled cake. For breakfast yet! Well, not for us dieters.

What bows Photoplay took! And may I say deservedly so, with all thanks to the gracious host, Norman Siegel,Photoplay’s West Coast Editor. Norman tells me he’s received a batch of notes from the guests expressing just that—thanks. We both got a kick out of Mark Damon’s: “It was a great party. And, well . . . when’s the next one gonna be?”

Panorama of Stars

The Cafe de Paris on the 20th Century-Fox lot is an exciting panorama of stars, writers, directors, producers, extras and bit players, coming and going, some in colorful. fantastic costumes. At the table next to mine, for instance, a group of up and coming stars are lunching together. Tommy Sands, with his nose in a script while his lunch grows cold, Dwayne Hickman, Ray Stricklyn and Carol Lynley, who’s in “Blue Denim” with Ray. Suddenly a little by-play attracts attention as a tiny miss of three wanders over to poke a small finger in Tommy’s back. Tommy’s head appears from his script, he looks up, then down into the face of none other than little Cheryl Boone, who has wandered over from her father’s table. At the Boone table are Pat and his wife Shirley, the three oldest Boone children, two baby sitters, and six visitors. Thirteen at the table, if you’re superstitious. And how old-time cozy it seems to see Pat lunching in his shirt sleeves—with suspenders yet, a part of his cadet uniform for “Mardi Gras” Across the room Christine Carere blows us a kiss, and nearby Paul Newman in his “Rally Round the Flag” uniform is talking with a New York friend about his new Broadway show, “Sweet Bird of Youth” . . . Handsome Al Hedison, “The Fly,” wanders in with Joan Collins for her usual luncheon dish of sliced banana and cottage cheese. “Tastes just like caviar,” she assures me. Hedison is much younger looking than the husband he portrays in “The Fly.” Young, single and most attractive, Al looks like a coming star to me. . . . Nat and Bob Wagner, with Bob’s parents from La Jolla, take a table for four, Bob and Nat attracting attention in their matching terry-cloth coveralls. Natalie later confided she had hers made by tailor Sy Devore to match Bob’s. (“We have them in all colors and wear them on our boat.” ) . Producer Jerry Wald drops by our table for a chat. “I’ve found a new star.” he says. “She was complaint girl (the usual ‘why didn’t my paper come’ etc.) at the Los Angeles Herald Express and she kept telephoning me for an appointment. Finally I gave in and gave her a reading and the kid bowled me over. She’d been studying with Jeff Corey and was all ready to go. I changed her name to Jennifer West and started her off in ‘Mardi Gras.’ Watch for her, Sara.” It’s after one o’clock now and the crowd is thinning out, returning to studio offices and sound stages. But what an aggregation of famous people in just one hour! And where else and when could you find so many but on the 20th lot. At lunchtime.

Records, TV News

The Randy Sparks party brought out young recording stars, singing actors, TV folk and disk jockies galore. Randy’s the young man with the guitar, who bowed on the Bob Crosby show and later appeared with Gisele MacKenzie. And he’s taken a bride, Jackie Miller, a personable young lady. Randy, whose Kansas City success in “Tom Sawyer” gave him a good boost, has signed for several Bob Hope TV shows and plans to sprinkle more video appearances among his night club dates. . . . Incidentally Pat Wayne and Dennis Hopperare crazy over Randy Sparks’ version of the title song of their new film, “The Young Land.” Watch for this platter. . . . The Four Preps were so popular on the Ozzie and Harriet show that their friend Rick Nelson has asked them back. And the Preps have accepted. Their “Big Man” and “26 Miles to Santa Catalina” have really put these lads over in a big way. . . . Earl Holliman’s recording of “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore” has a special meaning since his best girl, Dolores Hart, took off for the Broadway stage. . . . George Nader, who should be seen in more movies, is planning a TV series based on a domestic comedy angle. . . . Lindsay Crosby’s recording of “One Chocolate Soda with Two Straws” is brother Gary’s favorite.

Sara’s Ramblings

John Saxon’s weekend treks to San Francisco involve Sue Counter, a model who greatly intrigues the actor. . . . Elvis Presley was really put to it when four high- school girls, who were threatened with expulsion for wearing Elvis’ dog tag jewelry to school, wrote to Pvt. Presley for advice. “Wear the dog tags after school and think of me,” El advised. Kid Solomon, no less. . . . If M-G-M studios expected Marlon Brando to visit wife Anna Kashfi on the set of “Night of the Quarter Moon,” her first picture in a long time, they were disappointed. (Wonder if Anna was, too.) . . . And kids, ask mother about Ramon Navarro in “The Pagan,” back in her old swooning days. And then picture your favorite, Sal Mineo, in the same role. Can’t you just envision Sal in his “Pagan” outfit? Crazy! . . . Pat Wayne is Saturday-night-dating Sherry Jackson at the new Pacific Ocean Park. Hot dogs and cold pop on a roller-coaster spin. . . . Those luscious gowns whipped up by designer Orry-Kellyfor Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon to wear as phony members of an all-girl orchestra in “Some Like It Hot” have Tony’s wife, Janet Leigh, and Jack’s girl, Felicia Farr, green with envy. The girls declare they’re having the gowns copied. And Tony claims he’s a delightful 48-48-48. Marilyn Monroe, in the same film, will have to look to her laurels with those two clowns out to steal her thunder. And I do mean thunder.

Cal York’s Jottings

Peggy Lee, recuperating from a seige of mononucleosis, took a typewriter and easel to bed with her. She “rested” by turning out a batch of short stories, devising new song lyrics and filling in the rest of the time painting miniatures. . . . Nick Vanoff is the talented guy who produced the lively Eydie Gorme and Steve Lawrence TV shows over the summer. . . . Susan Hayward’s step-daughter, June, has a bit part in Susan’s new film, but just for fun. She says she doesn’t want to be an actress. . . . After the premiere of “The Big Country,” Jean Simmons, Carroll Baker and Greg Peck invited a very specially chosen group to a midnight supper dance at Romanoff’s. Photoplay was the only fan magazine asked. . . . Susan Harrison hasn’t been seen on the screen since “Sweet Smell of Success” and a brand new baby is the reason why. . . . TV’s “Richard Diamond,” David Janssen, married Ellie Graham. . . . Tony Perkins turned up at the M-G-M gate wearing dungarees and a guitar. The guards wouldn’t let him in till a studio official vouched for him. Dennis Hopper’s dating Tuesday Weld almost every day of the week. . . . Tony Martin and Cyd Charisse bought ten acres next door to a pineapple plantation in the Hawaiian Islands, which should! make a great place to get away from it all, even if they don’t like pineapples. . . . Debbie Reynolds and M-G-M have signed a peace pact, and it gives Debbie just what she wanted—the right to do outside pictures and to go on TV with Eddie. That puts Nat Wood next in line to kiss and make-up with Warners. . . . Socialite Natalie Trundy is retiring from movies—temporarily at least—until she makes her début at Christmas. . . . Esther Williams emerged from the swimming pool long enough to spout: “You don’t need more than one woman friend; you can’t cope with more than one. Men are different. I prefer the company of men.” Then she ducked back in again before anyone could mention Jeff Chandler’s name. . . . When she went on location for “Some Came Running,” Martha Hyer dated an old college beau, Cincinnati executive James Nelson. . . . Betty Abbott’s been doing quite a bit of visiting at Malibu with Rock Hudson. How solid are these two, anyway? . . . “The Fly,” with Al Hedison, has been making more loot for 20th than any picture since “Peyton Place.” . . . John Wayne’s eldest son, Michael, twenty-two, married his childhood sweetheart, Gretchen Deibel. . . . Rumors have Joan Crawford returning to acting. If they’re true, this veteran star will stop off first at Actor’s Studio to learn the “method.” . . . Gene Tierney may also try for a comeback. . . . Jean Seberg wed her French lawyer in Marshalltown, Iowa. . . . Ann Miller said yes to Bill Moss, Jane Withers’ ex. . . . Pat Boone’s brother. Nick Todd, also a singer, reported to the Army. . . . It’s so nice to have a psychologist around the house, was Sheree North’s feeling, and so she became engaged to Dr. Gerhardt Sommer, a psychologist friend of her own analyst. . . . See you next month.