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Elizabeth Taylor Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Elizabeth Taylor" (Page 12)

Hollywood Party Line

Parties, parties, parties and one standout preem this month. But so many soirees, large and small, I fer sure won’t have room for all of ’em! The biggest, most lavish shindig tossed hereabouts since the famed Marion Davies hoop-la was given by wealthy charitable Elsinore Macris...

Say It With Flowers . . .

Terry is in “Daddy Long Legs” One perfect rose is what she got But, ah, thought impish Moore He should have stretched his budget some And bought eleven more!  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Janette, in “Helen of Troy” By a market stall in Rome Paused a lady...

Christmas Dreams

MEMO TO MR. S. CLAUS: Since children write you letters and grownups never do, we thought we’d play postman for the stars. All they want for Christmas is a red car, romance, Paris in the Spring and—other things that will surprise you when you click...

Queen Elizabeth Taylor Of Hollywood

Beauty she had, from the very beginning. But it was the gift of faith that was to prove Elizabeth Taylor’s greatest blessing during the years when heartache and happiness walked hand in hand...