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Elizabeth Taylor Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Elizabeth Taylor" (Page 5)

Once In Love With Jane Powell . . .

When Jane’s not making movies, She’s off on a busman’s holiday . . . posing for her husband’s candid camera. Here are Geary’s favorite snapshots of Mrs. Steffan taken from his own album . . ....

The Gold Dust Twins—Marlon Brando & Montgomery Clift

The words “movie star” used to mean fabulous ways of life, leopard-lined Rolls Royces and capital-G Glamor—but Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift have reduced the term to torn T-shirts and old tennis shoes. Are these two deglamorizing the film capital? Have they neglected their obligations...

American Exuberance

For many Americans, the 1950s was a time of increased wealth and prosperity, and this was reflected in the cars they drove, which got bigger and more powerful. They had styling influenced by everything from science fiction films to space rockets and jet fighter planes,...

Louella Parsons’ Good News

Wonderful news about Virginia Mayo . . . Shelley goes sleek . . . new “headlines” for Rita . . . Young Mr. Wilding steps out . . . And young Mr. Arnaz gets censored....

What Elizabeth Taylor Told Hedda!

One of the first to drop in and welcome Mrs. Mike back to Hollywood was her old friend Hedda Hopper, who got all the latest about Liz!s little dividend from her own lovely lips....

Louella Parsons’ Good News

Liz is hoping for twins . . . Bergman weeps over Pia’s court testimony . . . Jane Wyman’s rug-cutting party is a WHAM-BAMMIE . . . Eleanor Powell and Glenn Ford climax all of those rumors . . ....