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Bob Hope Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Bob Hope" (Page 5)

Hits And Hisses

When Hollywood’s women reporters decided to award those apples, even they underestimated the power of the press...

Crazy Kid Makes Good!

Victoria Shaw hops it over from Australia with no acting experience, no money to speak of and no friends to greet her. And what happens? The...

My Nephew Bob Hope

Everything happened to Bob, even Mr. Rockefeller, who couldn’t spare a dime—but did teach him a lesson...

Once Upon A New Year’s

Some New Year’s hangovers—without any headaches! They are the result of old resolutions that headed these stars on a different course...

How A Star Is Born

You’ve arrived. You discover many things you hadn’t expected as a star—the loneliness that comes with fame, the financial problems, the ceaseless study. But you also find—it’s the most exciting time of your life...

Move Over For Jane Russell!

A few months ago, on a late Sunday afternoon news telecast, a commentator announced that it had, indeed, been a confusing week. The public could take the anxiety over the postponement of the Nevada atomic tests; it could stand the strain of the recent flareup...