Jane and Gene destroyed two homes, and did it all for love. But now the idyll seems over and Hollywood is asking, “How long is a temporary goodbye?”...
No sad songs for Janie Powell now—and maybe never again! She has a brand new life to match her bright new love—and a new way to forget what she calls “the trouble.”...
Never seen Liz Tay Lor looking lovelier than at the fancy luncheon thrown at the studio by director George Stevens to launch the super-duper new picture, “Giant.” ,Liz was a summer dream in snow-white dimity demurely fashioned. All the cast, including Rock Hudson (done up...
If most Hollywood didn't have “preemitis” this month, it wasn’t the fault of the studios which fancy-preemed two big pictures within a week of each other. One of these preems was followed by a large party. But there were other openings and parties that brought...