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James Stewart Tag

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The Truth About James Stewart

Supposedly the shyest man in Hollywood, Jimmy seldom goes nightclubbing with Gloria—but shyness has nothing to do with it. Nor did he remain unmarried so long because he was too inarticulate to propose to any girl—these theories are just part of the Stewart legend, created...

Biography Of Marilyn Monroe

PART III   The bride was on time. On January 14, 1954, at one o’clock, Marilyn Monroe, twenty-seven years old, married Joe DiMaggio, thirty-nine, in the San Francisco City Hall. The ceremony, which lasted all of three minutes, was performed by Municipal Court Judge Charles Peery. The Los...

Announcing Photoplay’s Award Winners Of 1954-55

Hollywood history was made on the evening of February 10th. For the thirty-fifth year, PHOTOPLAY’s Gold Medal awards singled out the movies and the stars that have won the public’s deepest affection. And, for the first time, newer stars who may be the Gold Medal...

James Stewart – On The Q.T.

He goes for jigsaw puzzles, hates to talk, has filing systems for everything short of his socks. But if you ask him what he did yesterday his mind freezes up!...