This one’s too cagy to get married, say the Hollywood sages. But Marilyn says: “You can’t kiss a career good-night.” The answer might be just a guy named Joe....
Ava’s happy with Frank—but Hollywood’s making her miserable! She wants to get out of the movie colony’s spotlight for a while, and settle down as just plain Mrs. Sinatra....
Kirk Douglas is no exception to the rule. He, too, thought there was nothing money couldn’t buy—until he found himself with enough of it to buy anything—except what he wanted...
A brilliant student at Harvard, John Kerr was studying to be a teacher when fate and a certain co-ed conspired to lure him away from the paths of learning...
Eleanor Powell, elegantly dressed in a light beige suit, walked slowly and deliberately down the stairs of her Beverly Hills home and, reaching the hallway, stopped to pick up the morning paper. Glancing over the headlines, she took the paper with her as she walked...