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70’s Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "70’s"

John Travolta’s “Wife” Dead!

Hollywood is still reeling from the shock of Diana Hyland’s death! Only 41, the young and the world by its tail. She had just started a new TV series. Eight Is Enough, and it seemed to have the potential of a Happy Days or Welcome...

Ann-Margret: That’s Why The Lady Is A Tramp!

She’s a scamp, a vamp and a little bit of a tramp—that’s how the song goes and Ann-Margret seems to be setting the tune down on film lately! In the past year Annie has made two period piece films, Joseph Andrews and The Last Remake...

Lindsay Wagner And Husband Separate After 5-Month Marriage!

The lines of anxiety and fatigue were evident on the usually carefree and sun-filled face. Lindsay Wagner was just not herself. Everyone connected with The Bionic Woman could tell that something serious was bothering her. Then Lindsay broke down, revealing to a close friend that...

Robert Redford Riding High

Since the beginning of his career over 10 years ago, the movie industry believed in Robert Redford’s future. So, for that matter, did Robert Redford. The problem was that they could not agree on what the exact nature of that future should be. To settle...

Bruce Lee’s Game Of Death

It has now been three years since that fateful mid-July night in Hong Kong that Bruce Lee the man they called Little Dragon—died. In the days preceding his death, Lee knew that, after a decade of struggle, he had finally won. In the last few...