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Police Raid Jack Nicholson’s Home! His Girlfriend Arrested!

No one could have guessed what was happening inside Jack Nicholson’s house on Mullholland Drive! No one could have known just what scandalous headlines were being made! And no one could have predicted the shock Hollywood felt as three of its most respected residents were implicated in a raunchy escapade that recalled some of the more sordid chapters of Tinseltown’s past!

If it had been a movie, it would have been a very low, grade-B one—but unfortunately for all concerned, it was real life. The cast of the little scenario was Jack Nicholson, his on-again-off-again lady Anjelica Huston and their friend, filmmaker Roman Polanski. The setting was Jack’s Bel Air home, which Roman was using for a photographic backdrop for a fashion layout for a French children’s magazine. The young costar for this epic was the 13-year-old daughter of a woman friend of Polanski’s. It seems the teen-ager had posed for Polanski before for a similar session—all with her mother’s permission, as long as the child would be fully clothed. However, according to one report, even that first session had included the girl’s stripping to the waist—something she had failed to inform her mother about.

On the second session, Polanski picked up the girl and took her to Nicholson’s home, while Anjelica Huston and a neighbor were reportedly still there. According to one report, that’s when all hell broke loose! Polanski supposedly convinced the girl to drink champagne and then take part of a Quaalude, a tranquilizing drug, after which they retired to a Jacuzzi. Then, Polanski was to have ushered his young charge into a bedroom where he forced her to have sexual relations with him. When he later on dropped the girl off at home, she did not tell her mother but called a friend and discussed the afternoon. Her mother overheard the conversation and called the police and after a day-long investigation, Polanski was arrested at his hotel. He was charged with a long list of felony charges, including rape, child molestation, oral copulation, sodomy and providing drugs to a minor. When the police went back to Nicholson’s house to try to find evidence of violence or of the rape, they instead found Ms. Huston and a small vial of cocaine; so she was place under arrest for suspicion of possessing cocaine! Luckily for Nicholson, he was out of town, reportedly skiing down the slopes of Aspen at the time of the police raid—thus, his only connection with the scandal is by implication.

As of now, both Anjelica and Polanski are out on bail, though Ms. Huston does not face any of the consequences Polanski could be threatened with. If convicted, he could serve anywhere from one year in a county jail to 50 years in state prison. Though, publicly keeping mum on the subject, Polanski has told friends privately that he’s innocent of the charges, that he was “set up” and that if the incident had taken place in Europe, no one would have given it a second thought.

Actually some observers feel that Polanski is setting himself for a fall for he has built himself up quite a reputation by dating teenaged girls and his penchant for macabre. Even Columbia Pictures Executive Bill Tennant claims: “Roman’s got such a bad reputation for being a pervert film maker, he’s going to be judged guilty by his work.”

Whatever happens with Polanski’s court case, he will probably not be one of the most sought-after celebrities in Hollywood from now on. It seems that trouble dogs his steps, and though many sympathized with him after the tragic death of his pregnant wife Sharon Tate, he did little to improve his reputation afterwards. Now, by involving two of the hometown’s best liked stars in his scandal, his name will be mud around town!