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You Read It First In Vintage Paparazzi

Nudging the News: The Alan Ladds were officially cited as Hollywood’s ideal married couple of the year, as Nick Stuart (one of Sue Ladd’s former husbands) made plans to return to the screen . . . Meanest robbers in the world relieved Linda Darnell and Jane Wyman of their furs and jewels, which resulted in both lovely ladies hiring night watchmen . . . Pier Angeli treated herself to a broken arm when she fell ten feet from rehearsing on a movie tightrope . . . Shelley Winters got her way (natch) and flew to Rome to see Vittorio Gassman, who she hopes will get a divorce in Las Vegas and then marry her . . . For the second time in a row lanky, likable John Wayne was named number one on the top ten at the boxoffice list. Runners-up were Abbott and Costello, Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Randy Scott, Gary Cooper, Doris Day and Spencer Tracy. Here’s hoping those Hollywood stars who believe their own publicity, will stop, look and toss away their scrapbooks!

Sissy Stuff: Cal just happened to arrive on the “Outcasts of Poker Flats” set as Cameron Mitchell turned into a louse to end all lice—for the camera, of course. First he slapped Anne Baxter woozy, next he pistol-whipped Billy Lynn after breaking his arm and then shot Miriam Hopkins in the back. Humphrey Bogart and Richard Widmark also happened to walk in just as Cameron was in the midst of his dirty work. “Let’s get out of here,” cracked Bogie to Dick, “before this filthy rat gives us an inferiority complex!”

Studio Scuttlebut: Robert Mitchum, who is singularly unimpressed by the behavior of most people, was so impressed with Ann Blyth’s conduct on “The Korean Story,” he presented her with heavy amethyst earrings at the end of the picture . . . A discouraged Jack Palance (he played that fabulous killer in “Panic in the Streets”) was about to quit Hollywood cold when Joan Crawford selected him to play opposite her in “Sudden Fear”. . . “Across the Wide Missouri,” considered a lemon by critics, is cleaning up at the box office, while “Callaway Went Thataway” received rave notices and is laying an egg that has nothing to do with Easter!

Silver Lining: If there was a dark moment in Dale Robertson’s marriage, take it from Cal these two couldn’t be happier today. They’ve dated the stork and they admit it because it merely happens to be true. Twice before it was rumored and twice before those Hollywood columnists were playing their usual guess game. Over the holidays Dale drove Jackie to Oklahoma to meet the home folks. She fell so in love with them she wanted to stay back there for a longer visit. Wisely, they finally decided where she could be closer to their family doctor. Dale’s mother and brothers have been invited to visit Hollywood when the baby is born this summer. Wanna bet our casting directors won’t blow their top when they get a gander at the other Robertson men? They’re equally as hand some as Dale.

Hollywood Hog Wash: That Katharine Hepburn drives a beat-up jalopy that looks like it escaped from a junk yard. It’s an old model Ford, newly painted black and polished to shining perfection . . . That Robert Arthur’s parents made a special trip here from Washington to meet his new girl friend, Wanda Hendrix. The kids were under contract together several years ago at Warners . . . That Janet Leigh is going to retire, raise babies and just be little ol’ Mrs. Anthony—Curtis . . . That beautiful and popular Virginia Grey, who gets more phone calls than any gal in Hollywood, is toting a torch for one Mr. Gable . . . That Ann Sothern is, or ever has considered, entering a religious order as reported.

Sights You See: Farley Granger and terrific dancer Jimmy Mitchell (M-G-M always casts him to play those unworthy heavies!) congregating with friends at Trianon, a charming little French restaurant on the Sunset Strip . . . Jane Wyman with Travis Kleefeld adding additional glamour to singer Fran Warren’s glamorous Mocambo opening . . . Beauty and the beast—or Jane Powell splitting a fat Nova Scotia lobster at the King’s while she hums along with the Disc Jockey . . . Roy Rogers and Dale Evans fishing off the coast of Malibu, where a whale suddenly emerged next to their boat and sent them scooting back to their boots and saddles!

Canine Critic: Hearing Smudgie, her pet pooch, howling his head off, Doris Day went into the living room to investigate. With back stiffened and fur all but flying he was sitting there watching a popular singing star make her debut on television! No, Smudgie didn’t receive an extra special bone for his loyalty. Doris never worries about rival singers and anyway, she has too much humor to consider anything but the very funny side of this very funny story!

Slow Poke: Everybody loves her but the fact still remains, somehow Marilyn Monroe always manages to be behind schedule. Although she has never been known to hold up a set—she does keep even reporters waiting. That’s like breaking one of the ten commandments in Hollywood.

Armed Guard: Here’s one for the Hollywood book. The Stewart Grangers took Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Wilding to Palm Springs just before the latter departed for England. Liz and Michael didn’t want to pose for photographers down there, because of the little time they had left to be together. When the Grangers were asked to pose separately, they begged off, explaining—“We’re chaperoning and it wouldn’t be very nice for us to leave Elizabeth and Michael by themselves!

Where, Men Are Men: Wearing a beautiful new gown, Joanne Dru floated down the stairway as her young son, Richard Ralph, looked up with adoring eyes. “Oh, mother!” he exclaimed breathlessly. “You’re the prettiest woman in the whole world!” Joanie thanked him profusely. “Why, mother,” he added, “you’re even as pretty as Dale Evans!”

Date with Fate: It was such a happy tenth anniversary for the Gene Nelsons: The Gordon MacRaes and the Gower Champions gathered ’round Miriam’s bed in the living room where Gene had placed it in front of the television set. Just four months more—in April—his wife would be up again with the new baby Gene hoped to call Jennifer. Eleven days later, on New Year’s Eve when happy people celebrate, Gene rushed Miriam to the hospital. Sadly they somehow managed to explain to their little son that he’d have to wait patiently for the little sister they still hope and pray to give him.

Hollywood Looking Glass: As proof that he isn’t marrying Jane Nigh, dapper Dan points to his new bachelor apartment which he says, “I’ve furnished in Early Dailey” . . . The unworthy material given to Errol Flynn for his TV debut with Abbott and Costello proves that movies are better than ever . . . Practically half of Hollywood is plugging for Joyce Holden who is merely perfect for “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” . . . Economy note: Claudette Colbert, who hasn’t given a big party in seven years, dreamed up a dilly for the Jack Bennys’ 25th wedding anniversary They wanted Katharine Hepburn to wear shorts or abbreviated skirts for her tennis playing scenes in “Pat and Mike.” P.S. She is wearing slacks! . . . Ida Lupino, in her new role of expectant mother, is playing it like the grand trouper she is . . . Fortunately for Shelley Winters, she didn’t overhear the conversation between Joseph Cotten, who plays opposite the bombastic blonde in “Untamed,” and Frank Sinatra, who wishes it hadn’t happened in “Meet. Danny Wilson”.

Pink and Blue News: While three-year-old Stephen Humphrey Bogart underwent an operation for hernia, his “hard-boiled” old man paced hospital halls with tears in his eyes. The Bogarts will be rewarded with a second visit from the stork, come August . . . Bette Davis took her little Bee-Dee right back to the Santa Ana Hospital where she was born, for that tonsillectomy . . . Viveca Lindfors, who has two children by her first husband, didn’t mind canceling her New York play for director Don Siegel’s baby which arrives in July . . . The Howard Keels have until late summer to select another unusual name for the expected brother, or sister, of little Kaiya Liane . . . British ballerina Moira Shearer (who had to bow out of “Hans Christian Andersen”) is hoping she has twins . . . The James Whitmores, who have two sons, have requested the stork to make that June delivery feminine gender.

Twinkle-Twinkle: Cal was fooled just like everyone else who visited the “Dream Boat” set. She was wearing a curly brown wig, thick curved eyebrows and a cupid’s-bow mouth. Her skirt ended at her knees. She stood next to us, “accidentally” nudged us with her elbow and squealed with delight when we finally recognized—Ginger Rogers! You kids who are too young to remember pre-talkie pictures will get a great kick out of this one. Ginger and Clifton Webb play silent-day movie stars—just the way they used to chew up the scenery. “No one recognizes me in this get-up,” laughed Ginger. “Even a wardrobe woman who dressed me for years cut me cold on the lot!” We asked her if she now had her fill of the New York theatre. “Not until I’ve had a smash hit on Broadway,” she answered. Knowing—Ginger as we do, it can happen there!

According to Cal: Looks like love between Joan Fontaine and Collier Young, though both still deny it. Vacationing at the same time in Mexico, Joanie looked heavier and happier than she has in years . . . The brothers of Ronald Reagan, Spencer Tracy and Bing Crosby proved that acting talent doesn’t run in the family when the boys appeared together on a TV show . . . Sterling Hayden has canceled those divorce proceedings which could mean a reconciliation with the mother of his three children . . . Family opposition or not, Ed Tierney, who used to stand in for his brother Scott Brady, married actress Hanne Axman . . . The same week Abbott and Costello contributed $15,000 to the St. Joseph’s Hospital building fund, the chubby one was ordered to answer to a charge for smoking in a restricted backstage area . . . Marking finis to ten years of marriage to dress designer Oleg Cassini, Gene Tierney is so in love with Argentina, she plans a part-time home there.

It’s True That: Happy-hearted, sunny-dispositioned Doris Day, Photoplay’s—Gold Medal winner, has issued an edict. She didn’t appreciate all those crying scenes in “Alexander, the Big Leaguer” and won’t turn on the water-works in future films . . . Susan Hayward won the first “Oscar” for 1952. It’s a miniature gold replica presented to her by Director Walter Lang, who believes Susie will tote home a real one when “With a Song in My Heart” is released . . . Jane Wyman is giving the most painful performance of her career in “The Story of Will Rogers.” Period costumes prohibit that brace Janie must wear to support her floating kidney.

Between Takes: They’re getting a kick out of playing themselves with Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy in “Pat and Mike,” but you should hear golf pros Beverly Hanson and Babe Didrikson groan over those early morning calls in the make-up department . . . Everyone at U-I is hysterical over Shelley Winters’ experiences in Italy’s railroad stations. In answer to her “Me Hollywood movie star—me want ticket,” the bewildered Italians threw up their hands, exclaiming: “Wonder why she doesn’t speak English!” . . . Remember that super-sexy pin-up picture Photoplay ran of Marilyn Monroe last year? G.I.’s , still are tearing it out of the magazine to send to Marilyn to be autographed.

Party Line: Just a hop and a skip from the heart of Hollywood and Cal was transported into a world of art, music, good food and fine friends. Honoring the Frank Sinatras, in their studio apartment, were artist Paul Clemens and his beautiful sculptress wife, Ruthie. Beautiful cook is that one, too, so Ava spent half the evening writing down recipes. Mona Freeman and her Pat were there, also the Mark Stevenses. The Sinatras sat together and held hands affectionately all evening. Cal finds it difficult to visualize Frank as antagonistic as reported. Unassuming, humorous and lavish in his praise over Buster Keaton’s work on his TV show, Frank filled the room with warmth and friendship.

This Month in Hollywood: Lana Turner, Alexis Smith and Nanette Fabray (Fred Astaire’s new dancing partner) held an alumnae luncheon. All three glamour gals went to Hollywood High . . . Every studio, including Warners, tried to sign Tod Andrews, who so successfully succeeded Henry Fonda in his role of “Mr. Roberts.” Tod’s talents were once wasted at Warner Bros. when he answered to the name of Michael Ames . . . Like Greer Garson, Tony Martin raided his piggy bank and invested his beautifully-sung-for pennies in seventy-five head of Hereford cattle Maureen O’Hara, who knows her publicity, is staging a one-woman campaign to promote the movie careers of her handsome brothers . . . During Hollywood’s recent destructive deluge, brunette Elizabeth Taylor and blond Tab Hunter were stuck in the mud for five hours but Tab (he plays opposite Linda Darnell in “Saturday’s Island”) says, “It seemed like five minutes!”

Cal Wonders: Why certain Hollywood stars who hope to win an Academy Award bother to hire personal press agents to remind voters how great their performances were. This year it happened again but, instead of helping, it actually hindered. Cal was present at several parties where he learned two guilty stars (male and female) lost the votes of everyone in the room just because they were “pushing” too hard. Bill Holden best sums up the situation: “Five personal press agents approached me when I was nominated for ‘Sunset Boulevard.’ I told them if I couldn’t win an Oscar because people thought I deserved it—then I hoped I’d never win it.” Cal could be wrong but we believe Vivien Leigh and Arthur Kennedy will walk off with the 1951 statues. Neither star paid out a penny for personal tub-thumping.

All About Bette: There’s a “new” Bette Davis and all it took was a short haircut. It not only transformed her into a woman who looks ten years younger, but ten times more attractive. She treated the town to its first look at the premiere of “Decision Before Dawn.” Typical of that wonderful Davis humor, here’s how she made up her mind. “I’m not a vain person,” says Bette, ‘but I have always had good hair. So even though it isn’t worn long these days, I still kept mine. Then Gary and I happened to see Lili St. Cyr at Ciro’s. While everyone else admired her strip-teasing, I kept looking at her smart short bob. The next day I told Perc Westmore to cut quick—before I changed my mind!”

Here and There: Since the crowd roared its applause at the sneak preview of “With a Song in My Heart,” director Walter Lang is the white-haired boy on the Twentieth Century-Fox lot . . . Checking off the last item on her “things I want” list, Janie Powell is now the proud possessor of her first diamond wrist watch . . . Handsome Jeff Chandler has such amazing versatility that once when Burt Lancaster was fifteen minutes late for a broadcast, Jeff impersonated his voice and no one knew the difference . . . Red Skelton, who now makes a million dollars a year, can’t even keep one tenth of it because of his tax bracket . . . Rival actresses on her home lot, who believe her best performances aren’t given on the screen, refer to her as—Betsy von Fooey-stenberg!

Sharp Citizen: Fred Allen said it: “When I went out to Hollywood to appear in ‘We’re Not Married,’ my salt-free diet was so tough, I didn’t dare go back to New York via Salt Lake City.”