You Read It First In Vintage Paparazzi
People’s Choice: You, the enthusiastic readers of Photoplay, chose them as the most promising stars of tomorrow. Once again Cal gives you his annual report on the cocktail party given at the famous Ciro’s in the Ciro-ette Room! Marge and Gower Champion, Jeff Hunter and Barbara Rush—making Hollywood history by being the first married couples to win simultaneously. Marge (a shining example of how a new star should dress and behave) showing everyone her fourth new diamond in her wedding ring. Her adoring Champion says it with a diamond every wedding anniversary . . . So young, so in love, so charmingly unsophisticated and thrilled by it all, Jeffrey and Barbara naively admitting they didn’t know how long cocktail parties last. So they donned their best bibs and left the potatoes baking in the oven!
Fernando Lamas, tall, dark and tantalizing every lady in the room, telling Mitzi Gaynor and fiance Richard Coyle that working with Lana Turner in “The Merry Widow’’ was such a happy experience, “It has spoiled me for peek-cheers forever!”. . .
Bob Sherwood, who just left M-G-M, wangling an introduction to and never leaving the side of Janice Rule, who just signed with M-G-M . . . Personal to Fred MacMurray: Joyce Holden, who has the face, figure and flair for the kind of comedy that made you and Carole Lombard such a sensational team, confessing her greatest dream is to play opposite you . . . Alex Nicol reminiscing with Anthony Dexter (who sat in a corner with his lovely wife and acted more like a spectator than guest of honor) about Broadway when both were struggling actors! . . .
Last year’s winner Rock Hudson, who was on location and missed the 1950 party, saying he owed his “second chance” to Susan Cabot, who asked him to be her escort . . . Vivacious Monica Lewis intriguing Anne Francis and Pier Angeli (she almost looks too “natural”) with details of her coming- tour to Korea, where she’ll sing for G.I.’s . . . Robert Clarke introducing Loraine Gayle who proudly wears the diamond that belonged to Bob’s mother on her third finger, left hand . . . Kenneth Tobey telling a tall tale about a “thing” that happened to him when he had a seance with a medium and talked to an 18th Century minister—who used 20th Century dialogue! . . . Charlton Heston wiring regrets from the East where he was making personal appearances . . . Ditto Bob Wagner and Polly Bergen, who were on a COMPO tour . . . The stars of tomorrow! Cal can’t wait for them to light up the skies of Hollywood!
Hearts and Flowers: There’s a damsel deep in the heart of Texas that has Danny boy making those Dailey calls. Her name he is happy not to furnish upon request! . . . Time doesn’t march on—it gallops! Now it’s Maureen O’Hara’s young brother who’s buying Cokes for John Wayne’s eldest daughter . . . Cesar Romero is saying it with orchids, because he thinks those dates with Denise Darcel are the most fun to be had in Hollywood . . . Ann Blyth didn’t need the studio to arrange a furlough date for Richard Long. They’re old friends, which is why he escorted her to the Press Photographers’ Ball . . . Virginia McGuire, who won Photoplay’s Scholarship Contest, was having tea at the studio with Warners’ casting director. Steve Cochran sat down for a second and the following day they were a “torrid twosome” in the local gossip columns! Virginia is learning her Hollywood lessons early.
Baby Talk: “Half Nelson” wants a baby sister, so the Gene Nelsons have placed their order . . . According to X-ray technicians, that little girl is going to be a second son, which will disappoint the first son of the Mark Stevenses . . . It’s a second son for K. T. Stevens and Hugh Marlowe, who optimistically believe their third will be a girl . . . Her name is Romina Francesca Power. Ty and Linda made this selection because they met in Rome and were married in the Santa Francisca Cathedral . . . Since the arrival of his daughter, John Hodiak is so candid-camera happy, Anne Baxter says their negative bills are very positive . . . Audie Murphy, who has “always wanted a kid,” is marking off the calendar until next March . . . “If you needed a good rest,” inquired Jeff Chandler of Steve McNally, “why did you take your three children to the giant redwoods?” Answered the perpetual papa: “Because—when you have six, as I have, it’s like being alone—with three!”
Tantalizing Troupers: Come with Cal and visit “Inside U-I of 1951.” Once a year the studio puts on a show to show producers and press how versatile their newcomers can be. We only wish we could tell you about the undiscovered talents of each and every one. There was “My Girl,” clowned to hysterical perfection by Joyce Holden, who was admirably assisted by newcomer Palmer Lee—a boy who can’t miss. A highly dramatic monologue by Tony Curtis touched everyone to tears. Rock Hudson’s transition from a sexy love scene to a rendition of the Charleston was a revelation within itself. Peggy Dow, Hugh O’Brian, Beverly Tyler, Susan Cabot, John Hudson, others too numerous to mention—all brilliant under the brilliant direction of drama coach Sophie Rosenstein. What performers these kiddies be!
LOVELIGHT IN Bob Clarke’s eyes matched fiancee Loraine Gayle’s ring
Man Hunt: There’s a “red” carpet awaiting Farley Granger, but not the usual one accorded returning celebrities. Boss-man Sam Goldwyn is annoyed a-plenty at his handsome young star. Farl was supposed to return from touring the continent with Shelley Winters, on a certain date. He failed to return, he failed to send word that he wasn’t returning and no one knew where or how to reach him. Even his agents and his family didn’t know which country he was in. In all fairness to Farley, he knew there wasn’t a script ready to shoot and he was perfectly willing to remain off salary until there was. It’s happened before and it will probably happen again. Faraway places hold a fatal fascination for Farley. But give him credit for having the courage of his convictions.
MITZI MEETS Photoplay’s scholarship winner Virginia McGuire, who came with Dick Clayton
It’s News That: Peggy Dow has finally capitulated and will become Mrs. Walter Helmerich III (that means heir to an oil fortune, son) and will commute between a honeymoon house in Tulsa and Hollywood . . . Clark Gable, as rumored, did file suit for a Nevada divorce, all of which caused Sylvia to amend her original complaint and may result in a bloody legal battle that involves a small alimony fortune . . . Gloria De Haven decided to accept her interlocutory divorce decree from John Payne and now she’ll live in New York and make two pictures a year in Hollywood . . . Since that unfortunate early morning traffic scrape that involved Judy Garland and Sid Luft, his ex-wife, Lynn Bari, obtained a court order for him “to show cause why he should not be forbidden to see their three-year-old son, except under limited conditions.”
For Your Information: The Screen Actors Guild hoped to establish a precedent that would have revoked the membership cards of Barbara Payton and Tom Neal . . . The M-G-M-Greer Garson relationship has reached a point where they could easily come to the parting of the ways . . . Alex Nicol was such a hit in Frank Sinatra’s “Meet Danny Wilson,” he’s getting a new contract and star billing . . . Gig Young’s overdue reward is a new M-G-M contract (Cal tipped you off several months ago) with a four- figure weekly salary . . . Patrice Wymore stood right next to Jeanne Crain at the meat counter in the Laurel and Sunset market. Neither housewife recognized the other . . . Scott Brady moved out of that apartment and into a hilltop home, because he likes to play records loud and long after midnight . . . No one would take that bet that writer Cy Howard would be the first to date Lana Turner. The pattern was too familiar!
LANA TURNER’S an exciting figure in “The Merry Widow” with Fernando Lamas. She slimmed down to a 21-inch waistline!
Lime-light: Unfortunately, in every public gathering there’s always some maladjusted person like the one who threw limes at Dorothy Lamour and Debra Paget. They were in Brockton, Massachusetts, on a “Movietime, U.S.A.” tour, when the shameful incident took place. La Lamour, a seasoned trouper, took it in stride and cracked, “I just forgot to duck!” For Debra, who is sweet, sincere and unused to the world’s pettiness, it was a shock that left a lasting impression.
Bulls and Belles: Amongst other European achievements, Yvonne De Carlo returned home (to play opposite Joel McCrea) bearing gifts of jewelry from Mario Cabre. Hollywood’s now wondering and waiting to hear if the famous matador, who once held public readings of his poetry dedicated to Ava Gardner, will come up with a repeat performance!
Grand Old Girl: Dark-eyed and devastating, she stood there looking up at the Superior Court Judge. “How old are you, Joan Eunson?” he asked the routine question. Without a moment’s hesitation, she answered: “I’m fourteen, your honor.” Poor Joan Evans wished she could have disappeared through the floor! “Now why did I say that?” the well-poised seventeen-year-old wailed at home that night. Having selected wise parents, she received a wise answer. “You stopped being Joan Eunson at fourteen,” they explained, “but it is still your legal name. When the judge used it, you subconsciously went right back to the age when you last were Joan Eunson. It was an honest, normal reaction.” Eunson or Evans, we love her! She couldn’t be happier having her fifth option taken up by Sam Goldwyn.
Picture Palaver: It’s one of the most entertaining movies of the year, but they may recall “Angels in the Outfield” and retitle it. Currently it isn’t attracting the cash customers. . . For over ten years she’s been their number one box office star, but her studio never bought a big Broadway musical for Betty Grable. That’s why she’s campaigning for “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes”—and they do when the blonde is Betty! . . . Rock Hudson finished his final scene in “Bend of the River,” drove his best girl to Santa Barbara for dinner and discovered he’d left his wallet in his dressing room. Fortunately, the head waiter had just seen “Iron Man” and happily extended credit . . . For the first time in her illustrious career, Bette Davis wears a one-piece bathing suit in “Phone Call from a Stranger.” She insists, however, it won’t cause Esther Williams to lose a stroke—or have one!
According to Cal: Our girl is growing up! Debbie Reynolds seen shopping for gold cuff-links in miniature ice-skate design. Surprise—Surprise! They were a present for ice skating star Bobby Specht. . . Gregory Peck’s complete exhaustion from overwork necessitated his resignation from La Jolla Playhouse activities and enforced a no-picture-making respite . . . The Van Johnsons delighted guests by marking each place at the dinner table with a Holy Medal blessed by the Pope . . . Doris Day will next record an album of beddie-bye stories for the kiddies, with soothing, sweet songs by soothing, sweet Doris to go with ’em.
Grape-Vine: Well, at least twenty- four hours went by before those rumors started to spread. On Sunday Fernando Lamas announced that Mrs. Lamas was returning to Argentina for a second trial separation. Her handsome husband pleaded with the press to “Please write nicely because my wife and I are the best of friends and I wouldn’t want this announcement to hurt her.” The press “wrote nicely.” On Monday, however, the rumor rumbled that Fernando was romantically interested and vice versa, in Lana Turner. It probably had to happen. They would make a handsome, romantic-looking couple. They are making “The Merry Widow,” together and Fernando did escort Lana to the “American in Paris” premiere in Hollywood.
As We Go to Press: His studio is gravely concerned over the thyroid condition that’s preventing Mario Lanza from reattaining his normal weight and appearing before the camera . . . Rossellini says “It’s bunk” and Ingrid Bergman says “It’s sheer fantasy,” which is this month’s denial of those habitual divorce rumors . . . Along came a black-widow spider who sat down beside her—and bit her! But Kathryn Grayson is recovering . . . Audrey Totter’s visit to the United Nations hospitals in Korea has her crusading for badly needed visitors from Hollywood . . . Roy Rogers won his Federal Court suit to enjoin the showing of his “old” pictures on TV for commercial purposes . . . It’s all over but deciding whether they’ll live in his or hers, on account of because both Mr. and Mrs. Howard Duff (Ida Lupino) have houses at Malibu Beach . . . Angela Lansbury is now wearing those maternity blouses that Mrs. Tyrone Power no longer needs.
Set-Stuff: It was just like the good old days of movie making. On a sound stage, Cal watched Mervyn LeRoy direct one of those fabulous fashion shows for “Lovely to Look at.” The gowns designed by Adrian (he was brought back to M-G-M to repeat former triumphs) were positively sensational looking models. Just as they were ready for a take, Zsa Zsa Hilton (Mrs. George Sanders), who has such a fantastic jewel collection, walked on the set. She was wearing that huge square-cut diamond that almost covers one hand. Red Skelton took one look, shielded his eyes from the blinding- glare and pretended to swoon. “Why, Red!” exclaimed Zsa Zsa. “It isn’t new!” Then Red did swoon.
Best Man: Of all the days to announce their marriage was shaky, a local columnist picked the day Ruth Roman and Mortimer Hall were moving into their own beautiful new Brentwood home. Take it from Cal, who was there for a preview peek, not even this stupid untruth could have spoiled the excitement of this dream come true. Just to give you a little idea of how happy they are, Morty presented his bride with a little house present, which was a little ol’ Aleutian mink stole. She gave him one of those fabulous new relaxing pillows. Plug it in and while you’re sleeping it massages the neck and head. Morty figures it will come in mighty handy when the first of the month rolls ’round!