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Bob Wagner Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Bob Wagner"

At The Top And Quitting—Marlon Brando

Brando has Hollywood gasping again! After less than three years in films, at the height of his popularity, the peak of his career, the “Do-what-I-want-to-do” lad is setting another precedent: He’s retiring!...

Quiz Kid—Robert Wagner

Ten years ago he caddied for Crosby, Gable and Astaire . . . and they laughed when he said he’d grow up to be in pictures. But they remember Bob Wagner now....

Debbie Reynolds Acts Her Age

Debbie Reynolds is one Hollywood star who’s willing to shout her age from the house-tops. Just a year past her teens, she’s in no hurry to grow up, and she doesn’t care who knows it!...

Louella Parsons’ Good News

Wonderful news about Virginia Mayo . . . Shelley goes sleek . . . new “headlines” for Rita . . . Young Mr. Wilding steps out . . . And young Mr. Arnaz gets censored....

Louella Parsons’ Good News

Judy Garland’s homecoming is the Hollywood party of the year . . . Shelley and Vittorio finally make it . . . Will we be calling her Lana Lamas soon? . . . I’ll never marry again, says King Gable...