Cowboy’s Castle
In spite of movie, radio, rodeo and TV schedules (Roy and Dale debut on TV December 30) life on the Rogers ranch is casual and homey. Roy, who is in ‘‘Son of Paleface,” is an adoring father, but strict. Among other chores, Cheryl exercises the horses (she loves to ride bareback) and Dusty and Linda Lou take care of the chickens.

DUSTY HAS HIS own tractor but Linda Lou, a carbon copy of her dad—she even walks like Roy—prefers hitching a ride with him. Although he has men to do farm chores, Roy loves to plow. As a boy he helped father run Duck Run farm in Ohio

CHERYL IS THE family pianist—doesn’t have to be coaxed to play when Linda Lou, Dale and Dusty want to sing

THE HOUSE is rambling, a one-story ranch style. Behind it are tennis courts, fenced-in swimming pool and stables

ROBIN ELIZABETH, age one is still delicate but making fine progress. She adores Dusty, follows him everywhere