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Rex Harrison Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Rex Harrison" (Page 2)

Exclusively Yours

May and December Couples: When fifty-three-year- old Bing Crosby married twenty-four-year-old Kathy Grant, the difference in their ages raised a lot of eyebrow-lifting in the world’s press. And yet, based on the past record of other couples who have lived happily ever after, in spite of...

Hollywood Whispers

About Rhonda Fleming’s frank and open admission that she’s a lot more interested in Dr. Lew Morrill now that they’re apart than she ever was when they were sharing the same roof—his roof, that is, that cozy made-over Hawaiian shack in Bel-Air. What the whisperers...

Exclusively Yours

Glad news and sad news—Debbie Reynolds as a wife, Tab Hunter as a star, Red Skelton as a father, Ingrid Bergman as a woman....

Exclusively Yours

Why Liz Taylor’s men also fail for Dietrich. . . And Ava Gardner’s the loneliest gal in town, despite Walter Chiari...