If you saw Natalie Wood at LaScala Wednesday night of this week . . . or Thursday . . .or Saturday, saw her with the tall, lean, young man, wealthy and sophisticated, if you saw them together, you’d see the change in Natalie. And you...
I’ll bet Sophia Loren is now regarded as a Hollywood actress in Italy . . . I can’t imagine Tony Perkins cooking a meal, but . . . he does . . . Nobody sings a torch song like Frank Sinatra . . . Nobody...
“What! Getting married? Golly no, on the level. If you believe everything you read I’m going with every boy in town. You’re just kidding? Well, thank goodness!”...
It was the night before Christmas when Santa appeared—for a preview of what the ladies would wear. What he saw sent him chuckling back to the North Pole—“We want stockings in our stockings!” they declared. Lacy stockings, colored stockings, stockings twinkling with rhinestones bright. For...
THE THALIANS is a new social group comprising about two hundred members of movietown’s younger set, both sexes. But plenty older celebs are joining up or lending a hand to this bunch of “do-gooders.” Aside from talking shop at their meetings, they also stage charity...