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Natalie Wood Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Natalie Wood" (Page 8)

Squeeze Play

When "The Searchers" company went on location to Monument Valley, the outlook looked pretty grim tor teenagers Pat Wayne and Natalie Wood. No corner drugstores or drive-ins —just sand and sun and long evenings of nothing. It was the end, simply the end, until director...

That’s Hollywood For You

I ask you: Do you feel safer now that Elvis is in the Army protecting you? . . . Dorothy Malone seldom admits anything is impossible, and has an Oscar to prove it . . . If there ever was an actress who looked like...

Getting Personal With Paul Anka

6:20 came a sleepy voice from behind the door of the St. Moritz’ plush suite 16A. “Even the milkman isn’t up yet!” A shuffling of feet, a minute’s wait and a sleepy-eyed Paul Anka in blue and white striped robe and pj’s opened the door...

Robert Wagner’s Praise To Natalie Wood

Natalie Wood—whatever happened to the girl I knew? . . . Bob Wagner muses. . . . She’s gone now, like a butterfly that flutters from flower to flower in a short, gay, giddy life in the summer sun. Gone with the toy tigers, the...

That’s Hollywood For You

I wonder what MM really thinks of BB. And vice versa . . . Rossano Brazzi should take lessons on how to unbend . . . According to past performances, Deborah Kerr’s off-screen publicity should help her in the Oscar Derby . . . I’d...

Eddie Fisher’s Paralysis

Is there any torment more painful than the torment of love lost? For Liz Taylor’s fourth husband there was. This is his story, the story of what heart break did to one man....