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Julius Caesar Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Julius Caesar" (Page 2)

Edmund Purdom—Man On A Tightrope

Today, Edmund Purdom is learning that there is another side to fame and fortune—one that threatens the balance of the man who leaped to success overnight. But he is a very determined man. And the odds are even...

Wise Guy—Bobby Darin

“Hey, kid! Hide this!”’. . . From his tenement stoop in the Bronx, Bobby Cassatto stared at the knife that clattered on the steps by his feet. His black eyes seemed to grow as big and round as eight-balls. There was blood on the blade....

Meet The Champs

These Hollywood men of muscle don't have to say a word—their figures speak for themselves!...

Search For Faith

He left the stage to try the movies, discarded blue jeans for respectability, courted love, then fled. Today Marlon Brando reaches out in a new direction....