Her career’s zooming, her love-life’s blooming, and Janie’s strutting on top of the world these days. Everyone’s wishing her luck and saying: Keep it up!...
“Stardom doesn’t last,” a new player named Fredric March confided to Photoplay in 1927. Bette Davis put it another way. “I don’t want to own anything I can’t pack in a trunk,” she proclaimed upon first arriving in Hollywood. Yet March, after thirty years, is...
Nancy Sharp seems to be the girl in Elvis Presley’s life at this moment. She and Elvis first met when he was making “Flaming Star” at 20th Century-Fox and she was a wardrobe mistress. Elvis was attentive, but if there were any outward indications of...
Grant is a firm believer in hypnotism, Zen Buddhism and charm . . . Ann Blyth finds it easier to make demands over the phone than in person . . . I’m always surprised when I meet Audrey Hepburn in a delicatessen . . ....
Is Bergman happy? Does she regret what has happened? Is she returning to Hollywood? Only a woman familiar with Ingrid’s life in Europe could answer these questions....