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Jerry Lewis Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Jerry Lewis" (Page 7)

Hollywood Party Line

If most Hollywood didn't have “preemitis” this month, it wasn’t the fault of the studios which fancy-preemed two big pictures within a week of each other. One of these preems was followed by a large party. But there were other openings and parties that brought...

Go Out To A Movie

  With a hesitant wave, Jimmy sets out to attempt a feat that no lone human has ever done before   The Spirit of St. Louis (WARNERS; CINEMA-SCOPE, WARNERCOLOR) Here is one of the rare tales of high adventure that accents personality over physical action. Casting James Stewart as...

Hollywood Party Line

You’ll be seeing and reading more about it on other pages—but I couldn’t start party paragraphs this time with anything but photoplay’s Gold Medal Award dinner....

Happiness Quiz

The Tony Curtises know what they’re talking about. If you pass their marriage test, you can’t miss with your mister!...

Who Needs Hair?

“A man,” says Yul Brynner, “makes love with his eyes.” And women by the million are deserting stars with hair to follow him....