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Jerry Lewis Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Jerry Lewis" (Page 4)

Hollywood Party Line

Parties, parties, parties and one standout preem this month. But so many soirees, large and small, I fer sure won’t have room for all of ’em! The biggest, most lavish shindig tossed hereabouts since the famed Marion Davies hoop-la was given by wealthy charitable Elsinore Macris...

Hollywood Party Line

TWO BIG PREEMS this month. First was “The Country Girl,” with all proceeds going to the Olympic Fund. When it was over, just about everyone agreed that its three stars, Bing Crosby, Bill Holden and Grace Kelly rated Academy Awards for their performances. Among those...

It’s Not All Laughs—Jerry Lewis & Patti Palmer

Late the other evening my husband came home from work, his face haggard, his eyes looking like two poached eggs. He was so tired and depressed that he stumbled into the house and went directly to the bedroom, without saying a word, and closed the...