Brando wasn’t officially invited to the banquet. He just came, and this is what he said. His comments, candid and off the cuff, were recorded in shorthand by a very surprised fellow-diner...
Brando has Hollywood gasping again! After less than three years in films, at the height of his popularity, the peak of his career, the “Do-what-I-want-to-do” lad is setting another precedent: He’s retiring!...
At last one of Hollywood’s most popular reporters (and man-about-beautiful-women) bares his soul. For the first time, Sidney Skolsky tells all about his love-life—and the private lives of his loves—including some of Hollywood’s hottest stars!...
Now Marlon has hauled off and thrown a five-million-dollar punch at the Saturday Evening Post—suing the magazine for a story he claims maligns his professional integrity....