Ever since Warner Oland menaced Pearl White ’way back in silent days, movie villains, in their own dastardly way, have gone right on titillating female hearts. True, there’s been a change. The good old silent-screen boys with hearts so black were just plain mean. It...
As they would phrase it in the best Hollywood drawing rooms, anyone for a crazy, wonderful, mixed-up year?
How else would you describe 1957—the year the Jayne Mansfields boomed the bust, the Audrey Hepburns busted the boom and success really didn’t spoil anybody. But some of...
Dateline Europe—
Brandishing at Brando: When Marlon Brando scalded himself with a hot cup of tea in the cocktail bar of the “Prince de Galles” in Paris, while on location for “The the Hollywood gagsters immediately quipped, “Now they’ll retitle the film ‘Teahouse of the August Young...
Well here we are—the veddy British-type Mr. and Mrs. Tony Curtis, happily ensconced in the penthouse of London’s Dorchester Hotel, drinking tea, saying “bobby” as glibly as the natives and rubbernecking our way through Trafalgar Square. In other words, we’re having a ball!
Remember that mad...