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Richard Burton Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Richard Burton"

His Elizabeth Taylor: ‘A Scheming Charmer’

> Elizabeth tries to be a shrew, wants to be an autocrat and unsuccessfully attempts tyranny in little things. She often tells me off in front of people when I upset her. She is also very jealous and doesn’t fancy my taking two looks at the...

Chance Of A Lifetime

Here are tomorrow’s top twenty-two! On this and the following four pages MODERN SCREEN lifts the curtain, turns the spotlight on the newcomers Hollywood has been grooming for big-time. Now it’s up to them—and to you....

Exclusively Yours

Rendezvous with a Gentleman: While visiting Maurice Chevalier at his beautiful French country home, “La Coquette” (how appropriate for this ageless boulevardier), he told me that in returning to Hollywood for interior shots of “Les Parisiennes,” he is hoping that this generation of moviegoers will welcome...