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Queen Elizabeth Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Queen Elizabeth"

Exclusively Yours

May and December Couples: When fifty-three-year- old Bing Crosby married twenty-four-year-old Kathy Grant, the difference in their ages raised a lot of eyebrow-lifting in the world’s press. And yet, based on the past record of other couples who have lived happily ever after, in spite of...

Exclusively Yours

Ah to be in Europe—now that Hollywood’s here! If the accent in “Exclusively Yours” is slightly Continental this month, it’s because after seeing “Around The World in Eighty Days,” “Boy on a Dolphin,” “Island in the Sun” and all the other recent films glorifying far-off...

We Love You Diana!

PART VII   It was slow to sink in that Sunday morning. “What did you say? Princess Diana has died? Diana is dead?” This was one of those where-were-you-when-you-heard? moments. JFK, MLK, RFK, the Challenger explosion. We all remember where we were, and how unreal, entirely untethered,...

The People’s Princess

PART V   She was, in that instant in 1981, the world’s best- known personage and arguably its most beloved (two distinctions she would successfully hold for the remainder of her days). Before she ever cradled a sick infant at a children’s hospital or comforted an AIDS...

Look Who’s Here!

Some are new, some have been around for awhile—these players who currently are attracting so much attention on the movie screen....