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Loretta Young Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Loretta Young" (Page 3)

Stars Hollywood Couldn’t Beat

Determination, perseverance and ingenuity are marks of the indestructibles. Unwearied persistence and a clever use of the gray matter can often bring about that fervently desired show-business break, and further, can make the difference between a healthy career and oblivion. Such a sketch pinpoints Bill...

Hits And Hisses

When Hollywood’s women reporters decided to award those apples, even they underestimated the power of the press...

You Asked Us-What Are They Doing Now?

  Long famed in movies, Robert Young, Jane Wyatt and Ed Wynn are winning new laurels on TV. Ed’s also made surprise movie hit in dramatic roles (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Jeanette MacDonald and Gene Raymond recently celebrated 21st anniversary with party...

Sunday In Hollywood

One day a week to call their own. What do they do? Hymie Fink takes his camera and turns reporter with these candid proofs of some expert shooting—and the Sabbath habits of the stars....