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Eleanor Parker Tag

Vintage Paparazzi / Posts tagged "Eleanor Parker" (Page 3)

Siren Songs

A reporter’s report on the creations presented by Hollywood designers—with some newsy notes on the side...

Hollywood Party Line

There were lots of after dark doings at which Hollywood glamour-pusses had fun, ranging from the offbeat to the crazy. On the legit side was the exciting opening of “Anniversary Waltz.” with Howard Duff and Marsha Hunt. Ida Lupino, looking lovely, was as nervous as all...

Charlton Heston Sounds Off On Men And Matrimony

“I suppose there are some people who think Lydia and I are old-fashioned,” Chuck Heston said quietly, “naive, perhaps, because we believe in the sanctity of marriage, and that there can be no double Standard for two people who really love each other.” Heston paused...

Go Out To A Movie

  With a hesitant wave, Jimmy sets out to attempt a feat that no lone human has ever done before   The Spirit of St. Louis (WARNERS; CINEMA-SCOPE, WARNERCOLOR) Here is one of the rare tales of high adventure that accents personality over physical action. Casting James Stewart as...

Go Out To A Movie

Road to Bali The first fine bloom of the “Road” series may have worn off, but for aficionados there’s still a relaxing charm about the adventures of Bing, Bob and Dottie. As usual, Crosby, Hope and Lamour give you the impression that they’re making up the...